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"Spook," spectre" or "phantasm?" Mine is "spook" because it's pretty specific and unique to dialectical egoism. And you can also play with it by adding prefixes and postfixes (i.e. spooked, despooked, unspooked, spooky, reverse-spooked, anti-spook, spookprejudiced). I also like to say "sacred idea" or "ghost in the mind" sometimes.


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Caring about how naming spooks is a spook.


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I like calling people imbeciles.


Well, I mean, Stirner did use the dialectical method. That's why I said "dialectical." But Stirner used that to pwn Hegel epic style so I don't see why that's a problem. You can also call it Stirnerian egoism, nihilist egoism or whatever the fuck. Rational egoism works too, I think. Though there are other "egoisms" that are called "rational." Like Rand's brand of egoism.


>I like calling people imbeciles.


my favourite word is dick sauce





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