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Stalin did nothing wrong
Except possibly being so kind and benevolent as he was he didn't kill enough people


Stalin was a true Stirnerian insurrectionary


he was kind of a liberal idealist retard at times and probably purged people for careerist reasons


I never understood what ppl gain from staning dead motherfuckers


uphold Egoist Stalinism


why not stalinist egoism


Reminder that Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Castro were unironically history's best realization of Nietzsche€n übermensch.
Commies are life-affirmers, liberals are last men, fascoids promote slave morality, etc etc


life affirmation is when you kill everyone you don't like


Liberal detected


File: 1656342734639.jpg (54.15 KB, 535x462, 1654992616446.jpg)

>they think that that is somhow a positive thing


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