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>We need to acknowledge that many forms of hatred can be a positive social force: hatred for work, hatred for wealth, hatred for bureaucracy, hatred for militarism, nationalism, cynicism, and the arrogance of power. And that in many circumstances, this will also mean hatred for individual bosses, tycoons, bureaucrats, generals, and politicians, and a rich feeling of accomplishment when one knows one has earned their hatred.


>and a rich feeling of accomplishment when one knows one has earned their hatred.
ew, cronge
I'll vibe with the seething anarchists n shit, but reall, "earning their hatred"? I hope whoever wrote this realizes how mad the most entitled people are when they're mildly inconvenienced - like constantly mad. You don't earn hatred and it's so lame to wear it as a badge of honor. It's taboo, sure, but that doesn't make it good. Give space to people's emotions, be down with the angry peeps, but it's way better to be cold to your enemies, and loving to your friends, comrades, family, and others. Hatred means you feel bad, because they are triumphing over u. Well, suck it up and realize it's not personal. Both sides fight dirty and for selfish reasons. If you take it personally you're a shmuck. Get woke, stop fuming, and aim for the heart.


> it's not personal
it is tho

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