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Tips for slacking off at work without getting caught and fired?


have sex with your boss.problem solved


Get a 'useless job'.
Get a type of job where you failing has little/no visible effect. Think like insurance, where if nothing happens, it means it's working.


be a labour aristocrat or something.
if you work in a factory you have to constantly work or you make it worse for everyone else. Which is why it's absurd that unskilled labour is often paid in roughly the same ballpark


Fake giving 120%
Everytime I start at a new place I first do everything that is asked of me and even more. I give my "superiors" the feeling that they can rely on me, I use every free second to tidy something up, or ask for tasks or whatever. While I keep up that charade I make sure to listen to what my boss complains about as far as work being neglected or avoided goes. Slowly I then start shifting my focus from general things towards just that area and after a while I can put in alot less energy and it still looks like I overachieve because the things that stands out to the pigs is the one thing I do orderly - which dominates their image of me.
At my current job I started just assisting in sale with shitty shifts in the morning, but cause I simulated being a docile slave and found out what makes my bosses tick I now work the chill evenings shifts on my own - meaning I got no supervision and can basically do what I want. Today I spend like 5 h of my shift browsing twitter and looking at tiddies.


Be availalbe. Reply quickly. Carefully meter your actual output to establish a baseline.
This is my method for working 1-2hr a day programming.

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