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Hello, I've just finished Stirner's Critics and am planning on going through the rest of his articles, but I'm curious if there are any more contemporary writers/thinkers that have engaged in 'egoistic critique' the same way Stirner describes it. They don't necessarily need to be egoists, but people that have engaged with his work and seem to be smart would be nice to have a little read into. Debord has been interesting, as has Landstreicher (not that the former is an egoist by any means), but I'm looking for particularly younger writers ie ones that have grown up with contemporary capitalism, cyberspace etc.

or just any and all egoist writers is fine too i guess


As far as "egoist critique" goes, there is of course always the output of politically active egoists like Benjamin Tucker and Renzo Novatore, both self described egoists who published articles.
However Tucker is a libertarian basically and Novatore his hard to find in English aside from his work Towards the creative nothing. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/renzo-novatore-toward-the-creative-nothing
Tucker: http://fair-use.org/benjamin-tucker/
There is also Emma Goldman who didn't label herself an egoist but did read and like stirner and her critique often involves spook busting. Also everybody should read some Goldman in their life.
As far as contemporary stuff goes, you can just type egoist into the anarchist library search and read hundreds of articles of bad quality by lazy authors. Because thing is - I don't think there is much more to add to egoist critique beyond what Stirner already wrote. There is only so many times you can show something to be abstract essence divided from it's concrete being without repeating yourself.

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