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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Hi dead. Particularly the anarcho-nihilists. I generally consider myself a post-modernist and want to know more about your ideology. I have read the basics and understand the gist of the ideology. But I’m interested in learning more, especially would like to read or watch anything that can practically aid of the destruction of society or that can help with at least clearing my own local space and voiding it of meta-narratives. Love u, thanks.


not an anarcho-nihilist but I guess Blessed is the Flame is good, minus the weird stuff about jouissance but some people do like that so whatever, as a primer for stuff. Desert by Anon is fairly good as well. I believe there's a list of stuff in /lit/ wiki page for obscure ideologies iirc


Thx pls accept this meme



>I generally consider myself a post-modernist
The only reason you should do this is if you want to piss off right-wing pseuds.


post modernism is the academic extension of liberalism


What a crappy take


Point and taken.


File: 1679506629352-0.png (219.7 KB, 1000x2000, anarchy readings.png)


"but the ideological supermarket — like any supermarket — is fit only for looting"

This is a classic leftypol quote


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nostalgic af


File: 1680190743751.webm (1.83 MB, 1280x720, 1448029758093-0.webm)

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