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how do you cope with the fact that the revolution has died long before we came along and that there is utterly no hope for any kind of worker's paradise
[Spoiler]the answer is crime[/Spoiler]


apparently idk how to spoiler properly lul


You just made that up just now


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you use two * on either side for spoilers like * * spoiler text * * without the spaces inbetween


“A specter is haunting Europe—the specter of Communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this specter; Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, French radicals and German police spies.

Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as Communistic by its opponents in power? Where the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of Communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?

Two things result from this fact.

I. Communism is already acknowledged by all European powers to be in itself a power.

II. It is high time that Communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Specter of Communism with a Manifesto of the party itself.”


the revolution isnt dead because the revolution was never born in the first place.


*thank you my friend*
communism is acknowledged, yes, but for some reason I can't bring myself to believe that there will ever be enough movement; enough rallying; enough publishing; enough power to ever defeat capital


it seems impossible until it's inevitable comrade


Who the fuck cares about revolution?
There were several socialist revolutions in the last century, and not one of them was successful in freeing the working class - it's not like living in the USSR or maoist China was any less of a nightmare after their respective revolutions.
There will undoubtedly be more revolutions in the future, but all they will lead to is some rearranging of hierarchy, not it's abolishment. Anarchy only comes about when we are no longer letting ourselves be arranged, when we stop chasing after the empty promiss of revolution.


>Anarchy only comes about when we are no longer letting ourselves be arranged
And how do you achieve that?


>it's not like living in the USSR or maoist China was any less of a nightmare after their respective revolutions.
Is this the power of western education?


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>a system so great they had to build a wall to keep people in and shot at those trying to escape
yeah, what a dream


The purpose of the Berlin wall was to avoid a military clash between the blocs.


honey the nato hat balistic missiles all over the place so what the fuck is a wall gonna do?
the reality is that before putting up the wall the easts governemnt had a real problem in trained workforce and craftsmen leaving for the west and they put up the wall to mstop that


It was heavily fortified with mines and anti tank barriers the way in which its build clearly shows its intend you can go to germany and look at it


I don't need to go to Germany, I live there


Me too did you visit the Wall?


It's cause to celebrate
No more revolutions means ppl finally stopped trying to create heaven and we can finally concentrate on appropriating the concrete world


How do you appropriate the world when there is private property?


What is private property if not the appropriation of the world?


Private property is the appropriation of the world by the fews owners.


Private property is a spook
Abstractions don't hinder me


Go tell that to your masters, your landlord and your boss if you have a job.


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>they dont know they are talking to a gigachad aristocrat individualist
ayy lmao

No, to be serious for a second, obviously private property and it's implications are a social reality. Even if the terms we use to describe these systems often become spooky abstractions, private property, class hierarchy and nations are without a question part of the concrete experience of existence. This doesn't change no matter wether or not you are a conscious egoist. Obviously I work a shitty wage job and have to pay rent every month, it's a necessity for me to fulfill my other desires (although there are plenty conscious egoists who squad buildings and dont have need a job to realise their desires). But if I was reigned by the spook of property, I would live an even worse existence because I would venerate the same idea that restricted me. Since property would be holy to me, I couldn't just take without payment or permission, I couldn't scrounge stuff off my job, I would be even more poor. I couldnt look to other non-regulated income opportunities if I worshipped the law or proletarian morality. And sure, those are small victories, but I can only reach in this world as far as my arms go, and who sais I would have to grasp more?
Cause that's the spook on the other side, on your side. Because reading this you've probably asked yourself how this is gonna abolish private property or classes. The answer is simple: it's not. The cause of abolishing capitalism is as much my cause as the veneration of capitalism. Yes, class hierarchies and property laws inhibit my intercourse with the world, but basing my affair on the anarchist or marxist struggle would reduce me all the same - aside from the fact that even you social anarchists still have to go to work and pay rent, you just have to do it while seething and grinding your teeth even more. Private property is a spook, but I'm not moved by spooks, neither to their preservation nor their abolition. To Me it's already abolished, and what it means to others isn't My affair.
So what do I tell my landlord and boss? I greet them nicely when we meet and rob them when they are gone.


>what it means to others isn't My affair
Ok so you don't give a fuck.

So, how do you "appropriate the world" concretely, besides stealing shit?


I consume it. Every aspect of it I like, In indulge in as far as my desire goes. I don't stop at the limits imposed by morality, tradition or social norms. I take the world as what it is to me, and unlike the social anarchist, I can take it without having to worry about sanctifying it through anarchism.
Of course if ppl at large got rid of their spooks, capitalist property and the state would be lost, but generating that consciousness within them isn't my cause. I can also take the people of the world as they are to me and don't have to scoff about others not following the true believe, not being the right kind of marxist/anarchist.


>I consume it. Every aspect of it I like, In indulge in as far as my desire goes.
So you're just another Hedonist.

>I don't stop at the limits imposed by morality, tradition or social norms.

Maybe but you are still limited by the material conditions of your daily life.


what crime you do op?


Nah, a hedonist can only satisfy his bodily desires, he's not satisfying his whole being.

>Maybe but you are still limited by the material conditions of your daily life.

Sure, as I admitted earlier. Unless you move to the woods and break with civilisation, that will always be the case. But I can't really say I'd prefer that, I rather like my small life of working 25h a week, living in a small flat and reading theory. It's comfy.


And what kind of non-hedonist activities do you do to "satisfate your whole being" ?


I read theory, work at uni for free, study history, work out and do cardio, support my friend struggling with mental health issues, once a month I collect trash in the nearby forests with a local environmental group, I take care of neighbour's cats when he goes on trips, I donate money to probable fakes of struggling Trans kids on twitter, stuff like that.


wtf are you talking about
are you paying any attention to anything?
now is the moment like hasn't been seen in decades
it is so fucking on


That's some really nice activities but I still don't see how do you "appropriate the world".


They aren't. If they were, however, engaged in similar activities as a collective, they might begin to.


That's prolly because you think of it as some grand, biblical event because of your social brain worm when in actuality it's pretty mundane, like most things in reality


That really sounds like lifestylism.


Wow, crazy insight anon!
What kind of board do you think your on? Post-leftism basically came into existence when Bookchin cried about "lifestylism" in the 90's.

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