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/dead/ - Post-Left

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What are some contemporary anarchist literature that's actually worth reading?


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His refusal to notice modes of production in his final work was annoying but nevertheless Graeber is worth a read


I really like Monsieur Duponds "Nihilist Communism". It really changed my outlook on revolution/insurrection and the meaning of class struggle as a whole.



honest question how is he worth a read?
I have only ever heard him moralize and say dumb lib adjacent shit about past socialist projects etc..
also isn't he a market proponent?


Some interesting notes on history
Cockshott is better


back to your containment board


the absolute state


>cockshit is better


Desert is my favourite piece of anarchist literature rn


diy books


the coming insurecction was p good although its aggressively french and can be obtuse af sometimes


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<I keep my distance, I don’t enter into the space of the flows, I don’t plug in, I stick around. I wield my passivity as a force against the devices. Neither 0 nor 1, I am absolute nothingness. Firstly: I cum perversely.
Anarchist """Theory""", everybody.


They are not really anarchists but it's pretty good I agree.


epic strawman


I feel like anarchist theory has kind of stagnated, or maybe I just haven't been keeping up with whatever is the latest discourse. A few years ago I would have said to check out Aragorn! (RIP) and the other anarcho-nihilist writings like Blessed is the Flame and Desert since it seemed like a notable development in post-left thought, but I don't get the impression that anarcho-nihilism is really even a thing anymore.

I think Kevin Carson's writings are also pretty good and worth checking out even if you're not a LWMA. He's one of the few mutualists I'm aware of that seems to be interested in engaging with mutualism as a decidedly left-wing/socialist tendency and not just trying to use it to suck up to ancaps out of some misguided idea that we need to win them over to our side (*cough* William Gillis *cough*). His work also engages with cotemporary material conditions like networks, FOSS/open-source development models, and generally things of a cybernetic bent from a market anarchist position, which is neat because I feel like not enough anarchists (that I'm aware of) have developed any interesting theories on this stuff.

Been meaning to check out Endnotes also although that's not explicitly anarchist. But communizers and posties tend to vibe with each other I think.

Nihilist Communism is a fucking banger

Holy based


I was going to be obnoxious and post Cockshott's how the World works in response to >>3909

But since anfem flags have discovered /dead/ here have this instead


Is bell hooks even anarchist? I tried reading one of her books once but I really disliked it because it was full of religious nonsense.


File: 1687008076929.pdf (908.98 KB, 197x255, feral-revolution.pdf)

It is not
Here have an anarchist book
They get a book you get a book
Everybody gets a book


File: 1687183292362.pdf (864.27 KB, 197x255, 1431515057405-1.pdf)

>I feel like anarchist theory has kind of stagnated,
You look under your chair and find a book

You get a book
You get a book
Everybody gets a book


Does David graeber count? He was pretty based.


Any more critiques of class consciousness specificly?

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