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Is it possible to be a Marxist and an anarchist at the same time?


File: 1686916103673.jpg (47.77 KB, 896x940, FyqQwKkakAAdLUj.jpg)

Mutually inclusive. If you aren't an anarchist, you likely don't understand marxism and visa versa. Now stop w/ the 14f spam.


What's 14f?


rule 14f: low effort sectarian bait rather than good faith discussion


OK I'll admit that it is pretty low-effort, but this is /dead/, only n1x can ban me here and they's too busy looking for shadow-spawn from beyond the stars gfs on the fredyverse to care. But sectarian bait? It was made in good faith and it's nothing compared to >>3973.


It's called Libertarian-Marxism.


Both (social) anarchists and Marxists are Christians, so there really is no difference.
Just make up some notion of "the real working men" and a bunch of abstract ideals as it's content and then spend your life fruitlessly trying to realise it and you should be golden.


>Is it possible to be a Marxist and an anarchist at the same time?
Marxist and socialist anarchist? Yes. Marxist and egoist anarchist? I've seen this combination attempted as well.

The thing is, when you're a Stirnerite, Marxism is never your core belief system, just something you happen to agree with at this point in time. Compare this to other Marxists who usually place the foundation of their ideas on some form of moralism.


>It's called [council communism]


All sorts of cognitive dissonance is possible.


Take off that flag until your bait reaches egoist level. This is amateur shit.


Doesn't this make Marxism and anarchism fundamentally incompatible?


Nah cause I'm actually 100% correct as always.

No cause nobody takes that shit seriously. Unity of means and ends just proposes that the methods should be as holy as the cause, but piety doesn't get you anywhere which is why historical anarchists murdered nuns and executed prisoners.


idk if you want a world without nuns then murdering nuns does not seem to be against the unity of means and ends


means and ends anarchists would argue that by killing nuns you are creating a anti-nun-hierarchy and therefore are unable to establish anarchy


>shadow-spawn from beyond the stars gfs
already have around 3 step up fedicucks


Of course, Anon.



I feel like the first and second criticisms would be:
- that is an inefficient way of stopping nuns from existing, since the church can just make more. Also nuns aren't even in a significant position of power so you aren't changing anything systemically.
- nuns are strapped with machine guns, swords, and of course nunchucks, so that's like choosing to do the challenge boss first.

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