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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Capitalism managed to weather out even a crisis like covid pandemic.
almost all third world countries are controlled indirectly by the first world institutions. You'll get coup'd if you don't toe the line anyway.
Leftist parties either don't exist or are completely unpopular or subverted in the first world.


<Capitalism managed to weather out even a crisis like covid pandemic.
Capitalism did not weather out the crisis, but intensified it. The crisis was not an external event, but an internal contradiction. The crisis was not a temporary anomaly, but a permanent condition.
Capitalism did not manage the crisis, but exploited it. The crisis was not a challenge, but an opportunity. The crisis was not a threat, but a benefit.
Capitalism did not survive the crisis, but transformed it. The crisis was not a rupture, but a continuity. The crisis was not an end, but a beginning.
<Almost all third world countries are controlled indirectly by the first world institutions. You’ll get coup’d if you don’t toe the line anyway.
Third world countries are not controlled by the first world institutions, but resist them. The institutions are not monolithic, but fragmented. The institutions are not omnipotent, but vulnerable.
Third world countries are not passive victims of the first world institutions, but active agents against them. The institutions are not invincible, but defeatable. The institutions are not inevitable, but contingent.
Third world countries are not homogeneous entities under the first world institutions, but heterogeneous assemblages beyond them. The institutions are not fixed structures, but fluid processes. The institutions are not closed systems, but open networks.
<Leftist parties either don’t exist or are completely unpopular or subverted in the first world.
Leftist parties are not the only or the best form of leftism in the first world, but one of many and one of the worst. Parties are not emancipatory, but alienating. Parties are not revolutionary, but reformist.
Leftist parties are not the expression or the representation of leftism in the first world, but the negation and the betrayal of it. Parties are not democratic, but authoritarian. Parties are not radical, but conservative.
Leftist parties are not the condition or the possibility of leftism in the first world, but the obstacle and the limit of it. Parties are not creative, but repetitive. Parties are not rhizomatic, but arborescent.


>Leftist parties are not the condition or the possibility of leftism in the first world, but the obstacle and the limit of it. Parties are not creative, but repetitive. Parties are not rhizomatic, but arborescent.
How else besides a party would you even be able to take state power?


I mean this post is bait but capitalism handled covid horribly. Way lower than my lowest expectations and I was already cynical as hell about the West.


>Capitalism managed to weather out even a crisis like covid pandemic.
Capitalists love such disasters. A crisis for capitalism is when capitalists are unable to continue growth and drawing profit, a fatal crisis for capitalism is when the crash is not just due to overproduction but rather they've fully exhausted the market of all potential profit, the profit margin has hit 0 at home and they can't export capital abroad because either the profit margin is too low even in imperialised nations or they've liberated themselves from imperialism either due to the rise of multipolarity or socialist revolutions.

Capitalism is only upheld while capitalists can make profit and during COVID they could and did make huge amounts of profit, probably the biggest transition of wealth in recent history by just handing tax money hand over fist to any capitalist claiming to have a solution to the pandemic.


A party is a fiction that pretends to be a collective and democratic expression of the people, but is actually a hierarchical and exclusive organization of power and ideology..

Taking state power is a trap that captures and codifies the flows and intensities of desire and expression into a rigid and linear system of representation and regulation that should be escaped and deterritorialized. Put simply, taking state power is futile and an oppressive endeavor that only reproduces the same structures and discourses of domination and control.

How else besides a party would you even be able to resist state power? You are mistaken in thinking that a party or state power are the necessary or desirable means for social change. You are trapped in a binary and arborescent logic that reduces the complexity and multiplicity of reality to fixed and simplified categories or simulacrums. You are blind to the diversity and creativity of individual human desires and expressions that transcend and subvert the dominant order. You need to think and act differently, in terms of immanent and affective connections, desiring-production, deterritorialization, and rhizome. You would be able to resist state power by creating alternative forms of organization and action that are not based on hierarchy, representation, or centralization, but on horizontality, participation, and decentralization. You would be able to resist state power by creating networks of affinity and solidarity that are not based on identity, ideology, or program, but on diversity, multiplicity, and experimentation. You would be able to resist state power by creating movements of resistance and transformation that are not based on violence, confrontation, or negation, but on nonviolence, subversion, and affirmation.


Capitalism does not weather covid as much as it thrives off it. It is indeed easier to imagine the world ending than capitalism ending; and judging by all the wild shit happening in Ukraine rn world ending is not really that unrealistic. We had crazy military officials advocating for "tactical" nuclear weapons already, it really feels like we're diving headfirst into WW1 again but with nuclear weaponry this time around


They don't, because we doing pockets of communism now boy


I would say the leadership of the West right now is significantly more insane than even the WWI leaders.



If the rate of profit still tends to zero, if I have a garden to water every day, if I continue to read theory and I still have the will and hatred to carry out Total Imperialist Death (world's biggest uranium reserves!) imperialist capital has not won yet.


China swallows the capitalist world as we speak and is poised to take the leadership of the world as a socialist hegemon - much like a long time ago Britain became the capitalist hegemon of a largely feudal world


Pomo detected
Post rejected


dumbfuck american


>You would be able to resist state power by creating alternative forms of organization and action that are not based on hierarchy, representation, or centralization, but on horizontality, participation, and decentralization

>You would be able to resist state power by creating networks of affinity and solidarity that are not based on identity, ideology, or program, but on diversity, multiplicity, and experimentation. You would be able to resist state power by creating movements of resistance and transformation that are not based on violence, confrontation, or negation, but on nonviolence, subversion, and affirmation.

sounds p cool anon, anything idea how these organizations actually work and function, do affinity groups count?, how are these groups structured and how do they communicate. If theres any writings on these kinds of rhizomatic organizations It would be cool to read abt


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>uses authoritarian as a pejorative


Dumbfuck euro liberal-academic aspirant


stop speaking in pseud and speak english please


Can you not understand what anon wrote? What part confused you? Maybe we can work on your comprehension and vocabulary without having to go to >>>/edu/


No I understand it entirely, I've read Deleuze and know enough about deleuzian jargon to know when it's being used intelligently, and when it's being used maliciously to obfsucate pseudo-analysis.

>Maybe we can work on your comprehension and vocabulary

lol. https://youtube.com/watch?v=8ii0mOA64sQ


Very funny video. Thank you, friend.


i was with you until the end.


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This has nothing to do with >>>/dead/. Maybe >>>/siberia/ ?


I hate this defeatism
if you want a party, make one. if nobody wants to join another communist party, maybe ask yourself why.
what do you even want a party for? probably for political power. but why a party? there are other vehicles for political power.
freaking tankies dream of their mass party all day. all they need is the right party. there are no good parties around, only sects, revisionists and traitors. so they found a new party. but nobody joins. cause nobody gives a fuck. nobody wants to turn the clock back to the twentieth century. at least nobody who isnt weird. or terminally online. or weird and terminally online.
so the party only holds the real weirdos and it becomes a sect. or they try to reinvent themselves, becoming revisionists. or they decide they do want political power, making them traitors. this pattern has been repeating itself in the west practically since the 30's. for some reason this insistence on the party is an irreparabel fixation.
screw the party. learn useful skills and connect with other useful individuals and coordinate your actions in small groups to uptain feasible goals, instead of waiting for a party to come down from heaven and save you.

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