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/dead/ - Post-Left

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File: 1687404585904.webm (5.77 MB, 640x360, planetes.webm)


I don't know and it's killing me. When I want to know I dig, and the only thing I find is corpses, cadavers, ossuaries.
I am surrounded by commodities, and when I investigate I only find dead labour. The living one is better left far away.
I want to know, I claw at any knowledge, I grip whatever life can give to me… bad, good, I don't care; If it's something, I can study it, and I can learn, but in the end I still don't fucking know, and it's fucking killing me, and I will go on a stretch and say it's killing all of us.


File: 1687465843318.gif (166.01 KB, 90x90, nerd-nerdy.gif)


I like to learn about things in my free time, it's fun!

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