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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Continuing with my occult Marxism series, the occult Marxist has return
My new take is this, settlement, agriculture, and urbanization are all reactionary. Agriculture caused famine and war and patriarchy, animal husbandry caused zoonotic diseases, urbanization caused plagues, they are satanic



How is it "reactionary" to visit new horrors upon the world? Reactionary isn't a synonym for "bad."


Damn does anyone think the jannie who moved this here needs to learn2jannnie? xd


I guess you could argue that agriculture, and resultantly civilization, are a response to hostile climate and natural alienation (Mesopatamia). I don't know if that makes it necessarily 'reactionary'. Urbanization is just a natural development of increased resource concentration.
just read Perlman lol this is that


Even /dead/ doesn't deserve to be the dumping ground for every mildly incoherent post


Everything I don't like is reactionary. Because… it just is, bro, okay?


It's /leftypol/'s vengeance.


Anti-civ is reactionary.

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