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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Are you scared of death?

I'm not afraid of it since its inevitable, I'm more just sad that it happens. Lots of people in my life have misinterpreted this as being suicidial, when that's not the case, I don't want to die but It's not something I worry about. But I do find it difficult to understand risks and I've been in hospital 11 times in the last decade from doing dangerous stuff like climbing up cliffs with no climbing experience (resulting in a broken ankle and hairline skull crack) and going mountain biking up the hill near where I used to live with my mum's road bike because mountain biking looked cool on Youtube (resulting in me being knocked out for hours and then walking down the hill like nothing had happened, only getting an ambulance sent when I found some people to ask where my town was since I was heavily concussed and they saw how messed up my face was). I only realised that doing this shit over and over again wasn't normal when I talked to other people about it. And I am very sad about death, I think its awful but its inevitable, you could live trillions of years so you would seem immortal to us today, but as we understand the universe they will die eventually so even if you aim for a longer life it's still something that will come and therefore its like being scared of day turning into night. I'm much more afraid of failing to do anything with my life. I don't necessarily care about succeeding but I need to try, otherwise there's not really any reason for me to live.


I am scared of death. I don't want you to die.


I'm scared of death and I'm scared of life. My only joy in this world is posting on /siberia/


only religionoids are scared of death itself but most people are scared of dying


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I have wished myself death or planned how to receive it in the past. One reason why i both considered it and never went through with it is its inevitability.
Death is the conclusion of birth, the end to every persons life. Death is also a gift, the last refuge of every sentient being.
I continue living for now, in part because Death doesn't care for when it takes me in.
May your death be prompt.


S poster are you not worried about your eggs drying up? Would you like me to arrange for you to get them fertilised?


Zero milennial women are. Not because they are deluded they can have kids at 60 but bringing another life into this shit heap doesn't sound great especially when 50%+ of your income goes to rent and the rest to debt and healthcare.


If you live for eternity, there will be eternal "torment" and etc.

If you die , we do not know what will happen , which is nice.

Sometimes I imagine being trapped in a deformed organism which is torturing itself and regenerating every second, bloody, slimey,complex creature. Only is able to create moaning sounds from the suffering. So, if the time and your organismic life is *eternal*, this situation will happen! So… dying may be the nice choice.


Her eggs drying up is only a real issue at like 40 or somthn.

Maybe S poster will have a midlife crisis and want to carry a child.
Maybe her, and other millennial femcels, will get into lesbian polygamy which all work together to raise a child or few, or somthn.


S poster is not a femcel she had a Chinese gf.


S poster is barely 19 years old. She's nowhere near being a millennial or having a midlife crisis.


Living a "normal" life is worse than dying young


I don't want you to die either anon
I'm trans… but if I was cis I wouldn't have children, not because I think its wrong to bring them into the world but because I personally really don't like the idea of childbirth, it disgusts me.
I don't know if I agree theoretically but its a sentiment I've felt very often, especially during my A level exams and just after when I worked in a factory for the Summer which was soul crushing. I've managed to avoid it whilst at university since I just pay minimal effort to my degree and just enough to pass it, whilst spending my time doing actually useful things. Though I only get to do this since in Britain you don't have to pay your student loan back unless you make enough money, and if I do I'll have a good job so it won't be a big problem, and if I don't its not something I have to worry about.


I never went to uni so have had to deal with "the real world", and its as dull as you can imagine.
I have also been homeless and travelled across the country, and for me at least, the idea of 9-to-5 routines is a worse doom than dying when im 30, but at least dying on the terms of seeking freedom. Even criminal freedom.
It might just be my personality though.


>I'm trans…
No you're not. You are a cis female you idiot.


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I neither cling to life nor want to die. I think a healthy medium leads to less pain and anxiety. Enjoy every day like it's your last, but don't be resentful about suddenly dying.


I mean theres no way for us to know for sure. Sposter is a rather private individual after all


I have panic attacks when I crack open a history book about war.
Dying in a war is terrifying to me.


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I dont want to die, but damn, living really isnt fun.


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> Sposter is a rather private individual after all


Theres a difference between privacy and pride. Sposter is clearly proud of using wet wipes instead of toilet paper. Bidets are superior but bidets combined with tp is best i think.


This pride is misplaced though.
Most wetwipes are laced with irritants and make regular toiletpaper unusable in the long term. They are literally made to be addictive.
A proper diet and posture also avoids the need to wipe most of the time. Hentai with anal sex rarely shows enemas, not only because they break up the action, but also because a naturally clean anus isn't rare outside the west.


Speaking of that moment, hey S poster, can you give us a tutorial on how you wipe?
Also, I'm a visual learner, so if you can record it that would help alot.


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S poster girlfriend (male?)

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