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Lets say you start an anarchist commune, and the neighboring capitalist society would attack you with tanks and soldiers, how would you defend your commune?


Flee and relocate, I am not subject to fascist values such as honor and death wish


The same way a non-anarchist society would defend itself, with tanks and soldiers.


Why should I care about the anarchist commune in the first place? The well being of the anarchist commune isn't my well being.






Well anti-tank warfare is feasable, mines, carbombs, corks, painted tunnels on walls, ect… spiders tho, frogs I guess? Do frogs eat spiders?


unleash the antifa supersoldiers


Due to a general refusal to take showers, we will stink so bad that no army will dare approach our settlement.


The trump card would be the STD ridden femboy division.


what if it gave you an objectively better quality of life?


std ridden femboys are probably the contemporary left's based method of eradicating fascism




have an anarchist network within the existing society instead of having borders



i'm a femboy, now all I need is for someone to give me std's


>The well being of the anarchist commune isn't my well being.
It is if you live there you anti-social booger.


so far drones seem to be doing pretty good damage


use the forbidden vietnam no jutsu and turn the entire surroundings of the place a massive death trap

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