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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Leftism (including Marxism) has been the B team of bourgeoisie since the day 1.

And this is now hilarious on such a gigantic scale that it has become very difficult indeed to differentiate between left and the ruling class of today. There is going to be no revolution ever, so all the idealist lefties can do themselves a great favor if they stop doing these mental gymnastics about theory on internet.

Academia specially is the biggest fraud institution of bourgeoisie which is apparent to all but the marxists and leftsits. Why does that happens? are these marxists and leftists so naive? The answer is that it happens because they are the lapdogs of bourgeoisie.


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not sure if post-left or chinlet but idiotic "argument" anyway


You should go to college and learn something instead of posting dumb shit on the internet



As a matter of fact, I am in my 2nd year of masters degree.

Marxists can never talk other than in ad hominem and when they get confronted with same tactics they just ban their opponents.


describe your ideology lol


>2nd year of masters degree

Well, then it's clearly not in a relevant topic because otherwise you would have put more effort into your post than just prima facie shrieking indistinguishable from a chinlet tantrum.

Always funny how people who make low-effort and inflammatory posts always play the victim when people don't want to engage them and just go "oh well you just hate opposing opinions!" No, we just have better shit to do than deal with attention whores who can't put together a convincing case.


>B team of bourgeoisie
reactionaries wishing to turn back historical development and RETVRN to feudal or pre-feudal despotic modes of production will always say this about socialists because they are confused and misanthropic.

The bourgeoisie played the historical role of destroying the feudal mode of production, bringing the nation states into existence, and creating the capitalist mode of production. Socialists wish to move beyond that through revolution and the overthrow of the bourgeoisie, and the establishment of proletarian class rule, while maintaining the productive capacities of capitalism, and moving beyond them.

The reactionaries, who see capitalism and communism as both "Jewish" (or whatever other reactionary idpol spook they associate with money) are baffled by the idea of continuing to progress historically, and they wish to simply destroy surplus rather than giving it to the workers, kill as many people as possible through cataclysmic war against modernity, and revert the mode of production to something they see as superior because they imagine, having looked at a lot of very pretty and old paintings, that they'll be the kings, knights, or clergy, and not the serfs, under such a system.


>going to college to learn
oh sweet summer child


I am not playing victim, I am not a lapdog of bourgeoisie unlike you.


The bourgeoisie playing the role of making people like you their lapdogs. There is no such thing as "historical", history is not moving on a definitive path with certain pre fixed results. Don't be a total retard.


I don't see it as "jewish", I just think that whatever mental gymnastics marxists and leftists do does nothing but to aid bourgeoisie in its ability to keep its rule.


Ok anon, enlighten us. Please explain to us how to get rid of bourgeois rule without proletarian revolution.


>There is no such thing as "historical",
when I said the bourgeoisie played a historical role of getting rid of feudalism, I am referring to something in the past tense which objectively already happened and is therefore historical. If you are such a nihilistic navel gazer that you don't even agree that feudalism ended and capitalism began because of bourgeois revolutions, then what can be the basis for a conversation?
>history is not moving on a definitive path with certain pre fixed results.
didn't say this


Yes it did you bastard, so what about it? what is so much better about capitalism over feudalism?

Literally nothing is better about it unless one is a total retard who knows nothing about this world.


We will get rid of bourgeoisie and all class based rulers and the class society itself, the day molecules in the brains of all the subjects will move in some direction which will make them realise their condition.
The possibility of which happening is very very low.
And don't keep on saying about "proletarian revolution", you punks have been saying about it since last four hundred years.


There has been no proletarian revolution in past, it was just peasants of russian kingdom and china who got fooled by some marxists and they rebelled, that's it. There has been no proletarian revolution in past and there will most certainly be no proletarian revolution in the future. Proletariat is the most emasculated subject class in the history, it is capable of no rebellion.


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>what is so much better about capitalism over feudalism?
it's not about "better". It's about how the inherent contradictions of modes of production lead to their overthrow. Read Marx.



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ok then what are you crying about? What do you actually want? If the proletariat is already too emasculated for revolution, then why are you trying to convince them against Marxism? Your goal has already been achieved, it would seem.


>It's about how the inherent contradictions of modes of production lead to their overthrow.
so where is the overthrow? in how many years will this overthrow happen? 1000 years?
Don't be stupid.


My goal is to have some reply from you retards which is worth the salt but yeah you are incapable of giving any reply.


On this retarded of a imageboard there is no "proletarian" so I am not trying to convince any. I am trying to debate marxists and leftists.


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>so where is the overthrow? in how many years will this overthrow happen? 1000 years?
it took centuries for capitalism to emerge from feudalism, and at no point were the rising bourgeoisie expected to provide a date. I am not a magician. Modes of production are born, live for a while, then die. That is all you need to know. It doesn't mean anything will happen in our lifetime. If I had to guess though, gun to my head, by projecting the global falling rate of profit, I'd assume Communism by the mid 2100s.


What do you need a reply for? You are already convinced the proletariat is emasculated, communism is lost, and the bourgeoisie has won.


>On this retarded of a imageboard there is no "proletarian"
I work a job where I sell my labor power to the bourgeoisie who own means of production in exchange for a wage that is what a proletarian is.


>Communism by the mid 2100s.




I don't know that any answer would satisfy you because it's not at all clear what your ideology is, what your class position is, what you want out of the world, or what the various terms in politics and economics even mean to you. If you're operating on an entirely different wavelength, and you're using definitions that aren't shared, then we may as well be speaking different languages.


Why do you want to satisfy me? Why can't we just debate and you put forward your ideas?



OP is a schizotard


I thought this was common knowledge among posties, why is everyone acting like OP is wrong?


this thread was moved from /leftypol/ originally to here


literally idealism "oooooooh the mode of production will end when everyone changes their mind at once oooooooooooh"


>Leftism or Pan-Leftism, otherwise known as Baizuo is the hegemonic ideology of American unipolarity, based in an artificial network of institutions, NGOs, and activist groups which manage and police the flow of information within Western countries. Leftism abstracts left-wing politics from its concrete history, and aspires toward their total assimilation, regardless of context, into a single ideology.

>By attempting to assimilate all 'left-wing' orientations into a single ideology, fundamental differences based on historical context and theoretical quality become lost. Leftism can be regarded as having been single most effective response by imperialism to the effectiveness of Marxism-Leninism.

>Whereas Marxism-Leninism represents the synthesis and total integration of the entire history of civilizations, Leftism 'integrates' together only an abstracted representation of change, attempting to synthesize tendencies as disparate as anarchists, Fabians, liberals, 'progressives,' Marxists, social-democrats and even Marxist-Leninists (see Red Liberals) into a single ideology, distilling from them only the most abstract 'principles' and 'change.'

>Leftism is thus far from synonymous with Left-Wing politics, which is, rather than a single ideology, an orientation based on a specific and concrete historical, national, and political context.

>While adopting the aesthetic of historical left-wing politics, in practice it defends and preserves the status quo of modern liberalism and sanitizing any political expression into a safe, compatible form.

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