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Bros reasoning is kinda fucked up but yeah meat should be banned. Cutting trees isn't so bad but it would be better if everything we need could just be grown out of non living matter


Civilization can only sustain life by spreading death.


there has to be a name for this, a word to describe these car-only commercial environments




does not compute


oil isn't dead dinosaurs/animals or whatever, it's buried plankton/algae blooms. You can actually make oil out of algae (like turning sugar into alcohol), but the process is more costly than pumping it up from the ground, pre-aged.


Like some non-organic science thing. If it was only made of bacteria that would be better than made of trees but I think the ideal would be no living matter being killed at all. Of course our bodies kill billions of bacteria every day anyway so I don't know.


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You fuckin nerds busy making corrections on how oil is made that still line up with the point he was making. Y'all must be absolutely intolerable to be around irl.


we have autism


File: 1704821701136.png (843.61 KB, 641x511, ClipboardImage.png)


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