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/dead/ - Post-Left

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can someone explain this to me?

File: 1702777312321.png (678.41 KB, 1200x758, 1557312291137.png)

People that don't local maxima on pop philosopy are happier and better able to make their ideas actionable.

Thing I don't like bad
Thing I like good

Mekhanite sarkicism is from scp… no good larper

"Post" is Latin, "Meta" is Greek.

"Accelerationism&Co is better than Post-Leftism&Co"

Any author from the right side?

It's just a bunch of random buzzwords.

Man can't you use fucking yandex or something to try and reverse image search your 1890x1194 yet still mushy image before posting it

It's part of the aesthetic.

Aesthetic so bad it makes me feel and want to be blind

Welcome to /dead/.

someone asked me once what comes after post-left and I gave the shitposty response that it'd be "meta-left" and this dumb image was made that still gets reposted in the year of our lady of sorrows 2016+8

Jokes on you
I'm pre-left and meta-dialectical
Get on my level or go home

Ok jreg fanboy

>Nihilist accelerationism
Lol this seems like a joke thrown at Ray Brassier

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