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>tfw humanity‘s greatest and last chance to have socialism was in the 20th century and died with the Soviet Union and now only a process into fascism followed by collapse is left


!!!Demoralization Thread!!!


Fellas this year my cock got a bit more veinier. Like the foreskin wasn't that veiny before but now it's thicker longer and veinier.
Is this normal or should I be worried.


Dude Fascism Lmao!
Fascism haha Fascism lol
Have I mentioned how great and powerful Fascism is yet?? It just so hopeless wow weeeee
Fascism Bruh woah
bing bing whaoooooooo


I don't care.


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stop dooming. TAKE THE CPC PILL


t. never read marx


If youre going to be sad about something, be sad about something worthwhile like Rev. Catalonia, not the fucking USSR lmao


You're a doofus.

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