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/dead/ - Post-Left

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I've lost it. I have nowhere to go anymore, noone to talk to. It seems like many modern post-leftists are just leftists with a fancier vocabulary. Communism ("But it's in my self-interest")? Check. Gender essentialism? Check. Ideological orthodoxy? Heck, most post-leftists I see think exactly the same, all the same ideas of anti-civ/anti-work/anti-whatever. And all of them still cling to this utopian project of a better future. Not to mention that some post-leftists are trying to reconstruct morality using a different vocab ("You shouldn't violate others 'cause that's an insult to their uniqueness" or gibberish like that).

The label of "post-leftism" is kinda useless. It pretty much denotes any non-leftist anarchist, it's vague as fuck. Like, what do we really have in common? Absolutely nothing, it's "left unity" for black-flag anarchists.

I'm done, I can't take it anymore. You can call me whatever you want, I don't care. You don't recognize a postie in me? Fine, this is not what I started reading Stirner and post-left literature anyway, it was always about me sitting in solitude and reading political and philosophical literature to understand the nature of the Universe and everything. I guess I'm destined to die alone without a company of like-minded people. Then so be it.

P.S.: Your constant suicide threads are boring af, really makes me want to kill myself.


Why not just ditch this shit and become a post-post-leftist


I would tell you to get a different pastime (because that is what politics is to you, you are not a socialist) that requires less thinking, as you suck at that. but honestly, just kill yourself


I'm a post-post-post-post-post-post-leftist.

I have the high ground.


>politics are a serious business
Grow up, larper.


I thought post-leftists like the Invisible Committee were based in the sense that they want to build the Commune without waiting for a nanny state to do it for them and being all smug about outdated 20th-century theory.
Why do you feel so sad, OP? The way forward is to touch grass, join your local squat, and not to become some kind of nostalgic Marxist endlessly sniffing the ashes of a past they never knew.
Going sadboi mode won't help in any way. People are retarded, what's new?


Well, I just wanted to hang out with le based Stirnerites who'll blow my mind with FACTS and LOGIC but I guess touching grass is the best thing I can do. It's just so hard to move on without anyone understanding you, most people are either conservative or liberal. One ancom dude here said it's best to have a politically radical gf but how am I supposed to find a politically radical gf who actually agrees with me?
>People are retarded, what's new?
Well, I'm used to have high expectations of post-leftists. One might say I "idolize" them, I have so much respect and sheer adoration for McQuinn and Landstreicher. It's a kind of inferiority-superiority complex of sorts: I'm generally elitist and anti-egalitarian but have a habit to adore those whom I view as "great individuals," a habit I got from Nietzsche.


>>4396 (me)
Yeah, so when I see a Stirnerite I instantly think to myself: "Hm, must be a very wise and intelligent person."


Post-leftists have always been leftists…


>I guess I'm destined to die alone without a company of like-minded people. Then so be it.

I always wanted to be on the side of you anon… b-but I just don't know how to get your attention!


>I always wanted to be on the side of you anon… b-but I just don't know how to get your attention!
Awwww, thank you, anon! 🤗


>Post-leftists have always been leftists…
Then what is so "post" about them?


Well, it seems to me that you want to impose your ideals on others… Maybe the real leftist was you all along…


It's just a criticism of traditional leftism from leftists.


stop caring about politics. there will be no revolution, nor insurrection, nor widespread political transformation that you will bear any part in. The best you can do is find happiness, tranquility, and power inside of yourself. Go read Stirner again, but do it better, then Eumeswil, then Ulysse Malcoeur's environmental pieces. Accept what should now be understood as fact that capitalism will not fall, it will eat itself, and in the process, kill untold amounts of people. We can do nothing about it, and thats okay, because we didn't cause it either. Embrace the lack of culpability and live life to its fullest. Depression is a waste of time, as is trying to find 'like-minded people.' Everyone is like-minded! Silly man.


it's more of a nihilist wank by pretentious dickheads


you have serious brainrot from vulgar readings of these authors. either stop reading and accept that you just dont understand them (maybe you're simply retarded, or maybe you never actually read them and did le-meme-osmosis, or maybe somethimg else) and might not ever so you should just go touch grass and be a normal person.

or dive deeper into it, try again, find solace in isolation, and have an even greater but doomed-to-vanity yearning for like-minded individuals


>Well, it seems to me that you want to impose your ideals on others…
It's more like the exact opposite of that.


How so? It sounds nobody can meet your requirements to be admitted as a friend.


>It sounds nobody can meet your requirements to be admitted as a friend
No, it's not true. It's just that there's noone with whom I can be truly open without judgement. Imagine this: I'll start talking to a liberal about my beliefs. What will they think? They'll think I'm crazy, some kind of a psychopath, "LITERALLY AYN RAND!!" Then they'll report me to the feds.


I see sorry for getting suspicious of you


It's okay, maybe I wasn't clear enough.


Vulgar in which way? I don't think egoism is when solitude or when you put others down or when you lack empathy. And I know perfectly well that Stirner wasn't against socialism. I'm not against socialism, I just don't care about fighting for it.


>>4416 (me)
I like illegalists and anarcho-nihilists' approach, they don't care about anything anymore, they just have fun.


>there will be no revolution, nor insurrection, nor widespread political transformation that you will bear any part in. The best you can do is find happiness, tranquility, and power inside of yourself.
sometimes i understand Bookchin, fucking lifestylists…


> It seems like many modern post-leftists are just leftists with a fancier vocabulary.
Always have been, post-leftists are just leftists that see the flaws in leftism, but instead of trying to use these critiques to improve leftism they engage in cucked ideological separatism from an ideological community so narrow that none can reasonably occur.

It is inevitable that post-leftists and left-anarchists will be indistinguishable in a few years time, rejecting morality is pointless when humans are naturally aversive to amorality. Ignore the demoralizers, a revolutionary libertarian front will rise.


Politics is more fun when you take them more serious


>rejecting morality is pointless when [other people] are naturally aversive to amorality
That's the problem with your thinking, you claim that something is pointless because most people dislike it. It's not an argument, it's an appeal to majority. I have no reason to think like everyone else and it isn't the point of nihilist egoism to "evangelize" people into amorality, that idea is self-contradictory: caring about how others must act is contradictory to the idea of not caring about how one must act.


Im not saying the majority of people are aversive to amorality, I am saying that humans, the human species as a whole, has it genetically encoded within them to be aversive to amorality. You included, as long as you aren't a psychopath.


favorite cereal brand


>equating amorality with immorality
You don't know what you're talking about. Amorality allows psychopathy but it's not synonymous with it. No more than asociality is synonymous with antisociality. You can be a criminal without being a psychopath no problem.


I don't even think amorality proper among sentient sapient beings actually exists and immorality is just whatever morality doesn't align with mainstream morality.


Amorality, like morality, is just a concept, so thinking about whether or not it "really" "exists" is just silly. Psychological barriers exist sure. But they're created by all kinds of causes such as fear and trauma, might as well count them as "external obstacles."


I guess I was just equating anarcho-egoism with post-leftism but honestly I think anarcho-egoism is more specific than "post-leftism," let alone anti-leftist anarcho-egoism. Can post-leftism even exist without anarcho-egoism? I think it can. If it's a leftist critique of leftism then Stirner isn't really required for that.


>>4462 (me)
It's funny how Bob Black used to be at the forefront of post-leftism and now he's a persona non-grata. Same with poor Landstreicher. Just shows that post-leftism itself has a lot of infighting and is basically another one of those "X-ist unities" where conflicting groups fight for influence. Why not call oneself as just an anarcho-egoist? The term "post-left" is a recent invention, if you asked Emile Armand wtf post-leftism is he'll be like: "Post-what?"


Isn't post-left more about post-structuralism?


That's post-anarchism of Saul Newman you're talking about.


keep larping, retard, I bet you've never even held a gun in your life, let alone actually engaged in any sort of active political organization beyond a book club. Bookchin was a collaborator, and so are you and I, but at least I don't pretend to be some revolutionary. I'm satisfied, are you?



I'll show you, or at least i'll try, there is hope for a better future, whether you like it or not. There will always be hope comrade.

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