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I wish I could stop being a socialist and just be apolitical. I wish I could just be a mindless wagie going through my life unaware and then dying.


Get a lobotomy


become a femboy e-cam girl and make a living off pictures of ur balls and butthole


most poor working people, while not all explicitly socialist, have at least some level of "fuck the rich" populist politics. the labor aristocrat class-cucked boomers who breezed through life with relative comfort and openly accepted the mainstream narratives of society are a dead or dying breed. I'm not saying zoomers are necessarily generation-zedong but the cynical implication that most working people are vapid idiots who accept the status quo without reservation is some elitist incel shit.

speaking of wagies, I wish I could find some work. I need some money so I can move out of my parents and actually afford shit like food that isn't bargain-bin walmart tier shit and actually take the occasional vacation. sorry just a little side rant.


take SSRIs


this is the climax of the movie Pi from Darren Aronofsky. The main character drills a hole in his own head to become stupid on purpose and unburden himself.


soviet socialist reunion inhibitors


had a family; this did not happen to me at all. The cost of having a child, let alone raising them to adulthood, is insanely radicalizing.


The wagies are miserable too though, they just don't understand why


Give your self a lobotomy.


>most poor working people, while not all explicitly socialist, have at least some level of "fuck the rich" populist politics
<That's a nice argument, senator. Why won't you back it up with the source?
>My source is that I made it the fuck up.
>I wish I could stop being a socialist and just be apolitical
Then be apolitical. Whatever. Marxism isn't socialism anyway, it's just a way of analyzing the world around us. You can just be an ultra and sit in an armchair if you're tired. You don't own anyone anything.


>My source is that I made it the fuck up.
You don't know any working people do you?

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