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I don't get it, they all seem to insist that once the ego is destroyed you are enlightened or one with divinity or whatever.
What is the historical reason for this and has anyone actually experienced ego death or achieved nirvana ? What's it like?
There has to be a reason why ego death is so valued amongst these traditions


I'm not going to address actual ego death experiences, which can be transformative in a positive way, but the reason why esoteric cults (including political ones) are so on about 'ego death' is because they want to change your personality to make you fit the cult & its goals better. It's that simple. The 'ego death' they mean is shedding your old personality and building a new one.

an aside: both positive ego death [whatever that means] and a cult controlled process of the death of your old personality are based on our capacity for structural dissociation. Most people have some kind of trauma and so ego death experiences are able to have a therapeutic effect, to get outside of your current self-concept and see things more clearly, or to integrate parts of the personality. Both rely on the same system.


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>Why religious cults so obsessed with ego death?
Because they like to use lotsa drugs to keep their followers believing and some drugs make ego death experiences

See the psychonautics wiki:

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