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/dead/ - Post-Left

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What is the actual point of being a leftist in 2024? Basically everyone on this forum is a LARPer and has no irl effect on anything apart from evangelising on the internet — even trade unionists are fairly irrelevant in the modern day and are just social imperialism and/or making concessions to capitalism.

Mass-movement and organising is absolutely dead in the 21st century and liberalism has hegemony basically everywhere. Normal people aren’t going to read or have the time for 400hrs of Marx, then 400hrs of Hegel, then 400hrs of Kant, then 400hrs of Althusser, Sartre, and Foucault just to understand theory that has no immediate practical use and is very dry, analytical, and several decades or centuries old. A vanguard, which is meant to help nullify that, will probably still fall into either revisionism or dogmatism. Something like Christianity and Islam which is bigger and more unified still has these issues and relies on dogma more instead of being a “science”. There is literally +20 versions of tiny sects of communists and anarchists still arguing about sh*t from the 20th century (i.e. Trotskyites).

I’m not trying to disprove the law of value or historical materialism — I’m saying they are pretty irrelevant to the subjective human experience although absolute truths can still exist and is still relevant in economics and political science. Most things people do are done with irrational — a priori reasoning, and instinct. The “end goal” of Marx is an egalitarian society where humans don’t toil and unleash their infinite creativity so they can work on things they find meaningful. But even existing itself is toil and profound boredom and discontent (not like pain from the homeless and paycheck-to-paycheck though). Even billionaires and sports players just get lifestyle creep instead so the problem is genetic and how people are predisposed to their environment

The only way to truly and permanently cure suffering is either suicide or some form of experience machine, wireheading, progressive hedonistic reward system which sets a minimum base line for human suffering, etc.

Also, sidenote but people on this board talk about l*li or something like that and the “Marxist solution” to it which is just funny. Like /pol/acks arguing for the white man’s video game or music or x y z. I think people tend to substitute actual hobbies with politics a lot of the time.


personally i've become a zardozist



I strongly oppose leftist organizing because I have faith in the people. It's not my place to boss them around. The people will build socialism when they are good and ready. Hectoring them into doing the right thing is rude. Just get out of their way.


OP glows like radium glass.


Normal people have more potential than you think.
You are right that a lot of it is ersatz activity but then so is non-politics. 95% of everything is shit.


I hate how leftism hasn't gotten weed legalized yet.
Absolute logistical failiure.


m8 people's minds have been turned to paste by the capitalist system, and those that are smart enough to see through it are still caught by the balls. The system has made the potential cost of even minor resistance so thoroughly crippling that given the atomized conditions they live in, they're going to keep their head down and dream of the day they can say no. Everyone else is ready to deepthroat fascist retardation. The people that currently exist have been rendered useless.


>but ppl aren’t le rational



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