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/dead/ - Post-Left

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If u feel alone with ur beliefs, never, you may be alone, but u are not without nothing, you may be on the ground in loneliness, but never, and I mean never, give up on life, if all you have are ur beliefs, believe in them, and tell no human that u hold differently, everyone believes in their own things, and remember, when u speak, to at least always have a heart, not in the capitalist sense, but for everything, in a sense deeper than their contradictions and falsehoods even if they end up trying to use their own intellectuals to down u, there is always something useful to resistance and forcing around, always will be

if no one will hold the line, at least u will, or at least believe u will, form friends you can, and care about others, fight for how u feel is right or what made u feel so alone in the world, ur feelings are probably not the first, hit the wall of death as much as you can believing that this is not ur first life because it isn't, it might be feeling like from the future comes a better life, and it is, along with can be from many other people

Let this fire burn in you always, don't let it melt you down to nothing, get outside, walk around, grab the nearest shovel or tool, if u must work, at least u have worked and believed with what you can, hold the line, because you are the only one, and ur only solution is to keep the fire you have, let theirs die and keep hope in all things, you are not alone, you are a piece of them, but you'll know many things, learn to know many things, and have things to share. Always write, never let anyone take this ability from you, learn to write safely, and bury urself in the best of respect. Whatever friends you have are important, tell them this, and hold them. Create a campfire of spirit, if you can not do this in real life, do so in ur mind or draw one on paper, and know at least, u are alive, you will never not be heard, if no human hears you, make them hear u, don't let urself be the fool of doubting you, being fool is a act, if no one must remind them of the suffering they have caused and that u must succumb to for pleasures? Give them hell. Suffering is worth every minute if it expels such men from the earth. You may be small, but you know a world exists

sit next to the campfire, don't give up ur life so easily, and breach all things where they may feel like they can stop u mentally, many of us barely had anything at times and in lots of areas, from all sorts of places before, you think when u are gone, everyone will forget you? Smack urself, punch something to get the pain out, don't kill urself, go outside and start taking a jog, you discard the flame, nothing will happen much of good for you, even if u feel like it is time to become warlord as final resort, at least you fought for whatever u are or believed, ur a unique thing anon, it's not worth to give up what might have driven you to drink or give in on life, if they may wipe us all out and u are one of the dead, I will remember you, we may be wiped to nothing, but someone will pick us up and read us again in all phrases or words, in this you will always be immortal


do any thing you can do to resist, and never stop resisting, because if you do, who else would have held the line but you, when the world is against you and what you stand when you were born into it forced to ask for more, what is life other than a horror story of pain and misery, say what you can, make what you can, and never be afraid, that's all they want you to do, if it hurts or makes you believe, you can hold urself better than others and you were the one never seeking to exploit or harm another, you will always be needed by this world whether they want you or not


the most you can do is make this story better, do not succumb, their horrors are not ur dreams and there is better hope out there than you'll ever believe, fight where u can, screw their eye and rip it out of the electrical socket


and remember, you are not weak for wanting to die or feel to die, you are just a human succumbing to the mouth of a monster which would rather eat you than care for you, it must be destroyed, and you know this, you will always be a piece of it being destroyed or the earth's transformation, always, and never stop being it

if you feel you must destroy urself for things you have already done, forgive urself, that's all u can do, and turn back things on how they can be, you'll be alright, you don't need to fully destroy urself, just forgive urself, and do better now the best u can, do not intentionally hurt urself, do the best u can cause that's what's important


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This kind of pseudo-immortality is retarded. Living on as a memory? You live on as a memory in the minds of others RIGHT NOW. What the fuck did Jung and Lacan talk about all this time?
Only being remembered in some sort of leftover piece of thought is not living forever - because humanity itself won't fucking exist forever at the way its headed. Because a memory is not you. Death is horrible and almost inevitable unless we figure out a way to live forever as we are now - which is more than unlikely.
WE'RE GOING TO HAVE THE WORST SENSORY DEPRIVATION EVER! The most you can hope is that some sort of future species will reconstruct you from whatever fart of ashes you've become over millenia into what you were before - which is just deluded science fiction. Life only exists in the present. There is no life after death. There is no immortality after death, because immortality implies a continuation of life as it is.
Not to mention how unsustainable it would be for everyone to be immortal. This entire thought is just a pseudo-religion. For individuals to achieve immortality and somehow for it to still be sustainable to the planet it must be a select few. Its either gonna be the swinelords or a select few after a collapse who have survived a massive population curb.
I hope that technology can go full throttle and eradicate the weaknesses in humanity and whatever restraints we have into some horror that can at least keep us active in our conscious form right now.
But its also unlikely. We're all just meatbags. Some meatbags are deluded but we're all just meatbags.
Did the burger you ate exist forever? Did the fucking swine exist forever? Did any of these other organisms around us exist forever to be remembered? Why are we more special than them to be remembered forever?


stop being angry u fuker and what the fuck are u talking about, of course you have to go R-word shits

Also I haven't eaten burgers at all this week

all I'm doing is helping anons out, if all you can do is repeat, "Ohhh no, it is impossible for one to live past death", I never claimed immortality though creating oneself as a spot of holes for tethering the narratives of living which does involve death, but to live past death in this way since no one else will hold the line.

It doesn't matter if anything exists for ever, that is not our aim, why don't you tell the rich men who prop themselves up as gods this to be immortal, i am just saying, who else will hold ur line whenever u don't or die, whenever I am or you are gone in fighting for things, who else will be here, when I'm gone, I know I won't be, when ur gone, I know you won't be, while people silently agree, that is all I'm saying, I am not saying to throw out ur life though, I am just saying to never die, as everyone is important, not permanent, but important and beliefs like this are needed more than ever as time passes

also u literally proved what i was fuckng saying with stuff, none of what i said goes against anything u said

also ur beliefs are more fuckng out of wack than mine

>For individuals to achieve immortality and somehow for it to still be sustainable to the planet it must be a select few.

the only person saying this is you or a few others, this is a belief from you, no, there will not just be a few here, there never needs to be, when there is nothing but fucking too much


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>of course you have to go R-word shits
So what? Its called politically incorrect for a reason. Least we can do here is not be ridiculed for the fucking choice of words we have over who it offends.

>the only person saying this is you or a few others

This is not a belief - its simply impossible. How do you imagine a possibility where life is sustainable with 8.1 Billion People being immortal? Even if not all of them are immortal - what of the people who come afterwards? We live in scarcity, not an infinite planet.

> there never needs to be, when there is nothing but fucking too much

What is this supposed to mean? That we succumb to death? Then thank you for doing the christian preaching with the memento mori to top it off. The only thing missing was a cringe all lives matter take toppled with even more anthropocentric understanding of what constitutes life.


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And another thing
>that is not our aim,
>our aim

Spooked shit.


Thank you anon


i'm just trying to help people and tell them to never give up mang

>Least we can do here is not be ridiculed

I didn't ridicule you, you ridiculed me

>How do you imagine a possibility where life is sustainable with 8.1 Billion People

Immortality doesn't exactly matter, I never said anything about that in the first place, of course people aren't going to be immortal, it's actually useful to everything around us death exists, again i literally said

>That we succumb to death?

no, death makes u succumb to it

if i'm going to get weird about it, it doesn't matter if u die ultimately, yes, and people may never actually be immortal, that's fine to me, that is life

My aim at least, I'm just whatever u view me as, fuckg u, these thoughts help me at least personally


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>i'm just trying to help people and tell them to never give up mang
Ok thats nice and not false-hope pilled. Sorry.
>I didn't ridicule you, you ridiculed me
It was about the use of language but whateeves.
>Immortality doesn't exactly matter, I never said anything about that in the first place, of course people aren't going to be immortal, it's actually useful to everything around us death exists, again i literally said
Yes. People. Meatbags are weak. We are weak. Only the posthuman may survive if it is ever materialized. Unlikely.
>people may never actually be immortal, that's fine to me, that is life
Yes people. Meatbags we are weak. All biological matter is weak.
>My aim at least, I'm just whatever u view me as, fuckg u, these thoughts help me at least personally
Sorry bro.


it's ok i forgive you, i am sorry for handing false pills and will work on them a bit better for myself and others


Wait, what the fuck

>tell them to never give up mang

>Ok thats nice and not false-hope pilled

how does typing something out to people, make it, false-hope? I am trying to muster the anons strength and tell them to not give up


>how does typing something out to people, make it, false-hope?
<Ok thats nice and not false-hope pilled
That was meant literally. You somehow read it as an ironic statement when it wasn't.


Lol I am bad at reading things sorry anon


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Meat can be weak, Mind can be strong


Post-leftists are truly the most oppressed minority frfr.

Well, at least we're freethinkers unlike all those sheeple, right? Society will not enslave us.

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