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/dead/ - Post-Left

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is it possible to go balls off the walls and just quit?

leave everything behind, not care anymore, and just travel around in one's own truths till they rot. This feels possible and I feel like I am uncaring for where I go, but it is a better journey along with life than this. I want to carry my banner even through my chest into hell and back

In my time in existence, I prefer chaos to knowing if I will eat or not than living such as this to ways which kill children, I can not escape, take me to hell and back, I'm going to quit and give up on this life for something better, I don't care where I go, but I'll always love you all and this world. I just want to live in love of this life with sitting right next to the fire with you all eventually in a grand dance of rejoice, it's alright to feel alive and be alive. Being subjugated to this society is something I never asked for, and as I further grow older, the more I grow into my nomadic ways, I am human, I am not a people-eater, at least more than most of the rightoids eating on the flesh of children, I seek peace, not war, ur war is ur war, and ur life is war, what a terrible way to live, in the end I feel bad for you, but I will seek my own peace. I love you all, and thank this society for giving me somethings, but I am quitting. Defecting, running away, and well, don't try to find me, I'd prefer it never happening at all.

The only way out of this world is to let our old ways die and create new, otherwise we are not even living, we have no idea where to even pull around, we can not allow greed, violence, and to live in peace throughout this world. I am sick all the time, I struggle all the time with just existing, and well, it's not fully societal my issues, but, i feel like i would be ok with letting myself die next to somewhere if my hands were wiped of blood this life time even if I am eaten by some type of wolf brutally. I would not allow this to happen and protect myself, but I think I should escape badly this world. If I don't, well I'm unsure. I'm possibly schizophrenic and believe in previous life times I have had blood on my hands already, this one, I would want a more dignified life than repeat the last one of spilling others blood in anger, hatred, and fury. There is a difference between brutality and war, what is happening is in fact brutality, war can be respectable, but this war is not at all, none of these wars have been respectable for hundreds of years. If I could wipe my hands free of at least that many years, imagine what more I could imagine possibly in happiness or peace in my next life along with understanding i could just apply to others if i ever can so better worlds can come about.

Stab my banner through my chest and just have fun till the end, ain't nothing to worry about except what comes tomorrow for food wise, uncaring and detracting

You'll say "ok just go to prison", hahahaha, and I say, I am wildmen once again, u men have birthed me and made me in a wild society, I care little for ur language, I will be making grunts as u beat me aside, I don't care. I want to go back to when life was simple and I never had blood on my hand from such a world on such a massive scale. I want to escape.


In principle, yes

In practice, dropping out without starving or getting a billy club up your ass generally costs a bunch of money


It's called a welfare check ma'am.


at some point at least, if i even do, i want to badly, but i feel like i should hold on, though it's just horrible, everything


that seems nearly impossible, i've seen people in worse mental states than me never get anything


i feel fine with the starving, the only thing i would miss is my loved ones so much


before i do anything i've been doing my best generally to try make something so my loved ones can mess with my essence or spirit at least for when it was alive {though I don't believe soul/spirit exists}, it's the best i can provide for them and i think they would understand


lemme know if you manage it


just kill yourself if it's so unbearable, you won't miss anything after the fact


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no, I'd rather not, I'm going to at least trying to live in spite of society, how about u kill urself if u feel like you need to make other people's lives filled with ur blood spilling


if my life is a bit more painful and rough for a bit or anything just ends up happening, I will just go through it accepting the consequences


>is it possible to go balls off the walls and just quit? leave everything behind, not care anymore, and just travel around in one's own truths till they rot.
Yes ANON! Its called being a vagrant. And I'm glad to hear you're picking up on some of the anti-civ views. Though I still think you have much to learn about how the endless possibilities can result in a potential future (desireable or not).
>in previous life times I have had blood on my hands already, this one
You have not. This is just the kinds of thoughts that come with alienation.
>I want to go back to when life was simple
Never was simple. Don't glorify the past - even hunter gatherers and cavemen had their issues, you just haven't realized it yet.

Anyway this thread is exactly for >>>/dead/ . I would say you should reconsider what wonders technology can do for us and see how it can potentially be used as a critique of humanity and humanism altogether. The weaknesses and contradictions within civilization as a product of mankind and its weaknesses & inability to cope with scarcity and find any optimal way to make use of its surroundings.
I say you should look into a view like cyber-nihilism.


>i feel fine with the starving
Death as escapism and suicide as optimism are two of the principles of false-promises of betterment that stand behind religious hegemony. You should live in the present, not in the future or the past.


Also read Blessed is the Flame and Desert. Those books will fit you like a glove if you haven't seen them already.


> I will just go through it accepting the consequences
That is also part of becoming free. As goes the Stirner quote:
<What is freedom? To have the will to be responsible for one's self.


I don't know what you are saying but I like your energy,
Are you single and ready to mingle? Pssh, let's ditch these losers.


>one's own truths
no such thing, you pomo faggot


I thought that said sobriety and i almost cared about your for a second


That is what right winger thought leads to. Just keep failing until you quit.


Seduce a rich woman with your proletarian charms and then live off her while slumming it with the homies.


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>right winger thought
Are you sure this is the right wing bro?


>thread is exactly for >>>/dead/ .

where did this secret board come from


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can someone post this webm with nazi-femboys compillation?




It's been there years.
Mostly gets used as a dumping ground for unrelated posts.
'Post-left anarchy' is a relic of the 90s and early 00s.


Nothing to do with the left.
Autistic blog posting.
The people here aren't your friends and your social circle, quit acting like that's the case.


Fredy Perlman -The Continuing Appeal of
I remember reading that. Way, way back. It was probably pretty good (as a sort of beginner text / primer) but I barely remember a thing.


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>'Post-left anarchy' is a relic of the 90s and early 00s.
You gotta admit it's not all bad though.
It's got a lot of good moody texts Imo. Even though I hate authors like Zerzan and Flowerbomb to their core and wish they never picked up the Anarchist label to taint it with the likes of their filth. Such in the case of the Warzone Distro and its contents of polyamorist orgy-advocate primitivist straight edge spiritual cuckoldry.


>You gotta admit it's not all bad though.
Good nor bad has nothing to do with it.
I agree with the rest mostly though, I like some of the American 'post left' and some have been good comrades, friends, teachers, accomplices, opponents etc. In the now though they're mostly just extremely alienated and americanized kids 'lost in the sauce' seeking a subculture and community. There is nothing really 'anarchist' to it beyond aesthetics.


>flowerbomb and julian langer have a beef

Every time I think I'm going to take the post-left pill, I remember that these people are basically just replicating high-school-clique dynamics as praxis


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Yeah I agree with that sentiment aswell.
>There is nothing really 'anarchist' to it beyond aesthetics.
I want them to renounce the label, but they've already smeared it with boogers. What can anyone do about that?
It seems that everytime an anarchist critiques primitivist tendencies online the broader anarchist communities begin to turn against them for being exclusionary and narrow-minded.

Such was the case of those who wrote against the freaks of ITS (Individuals Tending Towards the Wild or Wild Reaction), who later even announced that they are no longer anarchists, though the damage was already done and their communiques still remain on the Anarchist Library despite them affiliating with the Neo-Nazi Left Hand Path Satanist pedos of O9A and likely being financed and protected by the CIA or some other feds since one of their spokesmen, despite admitting to their crimes, has all of his info available to the public and still hasn't been arrested.
Funnily enough after they wrote a text mocking how anarchists get caught and go to prison while they don't, from what I remember there was an article about one of their members getting caught in some South American country and crying in court with pictures. I'll see if I can find it again.


>>1777663 (me)
> these people are basically just replicating high-school-clique dynamics as praxis
That's another way of putting it yes.
These people, especially like flower and langer are literally just bloggers with an ego.


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>from what I remember there was an article about one of their members getting caught in some South American country and crying in court with pictures. I'll see if I can find it again.

Found it for the lulz
and it also got a text on the tedkarchvie


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They are both primitivist filth who fetishize the past while trying to appear different from the likes of Zerzan.
Face it, cyber-nihilism and N1x will be the ones nurturing us be it after or during human extinction.


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we run this site from the shadows, make nothing of it, peon



>Face it, cyber-nihilism and N1x will be the ones nurturing us be it after or during human extinction
Literally no better.
Pretentious teenagers and mentally stunted anericans looking for community and all the rest on the internet.


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>Literally no better.
Does it need to be better?


no friends at all, that's fucking sad




It is indeed very good but I doubt you would like it now with a flag like that.


Eh don't read too much into the flag.

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