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So now that the 'socialism' fad is petering out, what will be the next outsider ideology to that captures the attention of disaffected western youth? Fifteen years ago it was 'libertarianism,' and fifteen years before that it was alter-globalization and anti-establishment anarchism.

What will the zoomers and their progeny believe in? Esoteric fascism, a resurgent Kaczynski-inspired primitivism, or some other as yet unimaginable set of principles?


I fucking love loaded questions and acting like a retard on the internet


Esoteric fascism. But much like the socialist wave from 5 years ago they won't produce anything relevant or lead to anything that matters and will just get recuperated into the liberal-neocon "normal politics".
You can already see it happening with guys like BAP who just believes the same shit establishment libs believe now but he's being "based" about it or something, Richard Spergcer too who is just an open bipartisan neocon at this point.
Even Nick Fuentes is becoming more of a random multiracial conservative populist (the highest form of civilizational degen.eracy imo).


revolutionary celibacy


Esoteric fascism in name dysfunctional lawless gangland in the corpse of a former superpower in practice


New ideology will be ransacking OPs home and giving him a nuggie


doesn't matter because shit is going to be falling apart in 5 years


>So now that the 'socialism' fad is petering out,
Where exactly? Are you talking about berniebros or 4chan culture or French political situation? PS. You have to go back.


Wagenknecht, Galloway, MAGA communism…

NazBolism is already winning elections, OP.


>2 politicians maintained relevant by the boomer vote and one meme internet movement


What successes did your org have recently?


Do people here actually belong to orgs?
Well that's less larpy than pol I guess but at the end of the day is a boomers retirement home


The fact you talk about it this way is lowkey kind of blackpilling.


Thats the idea of demoralization threads.


>reformist politicians that sometimes make vague comments on how they don’t like wokeism
>contrarian streamer with 4000 really annoying followers
>this proves the merits of nazbol


mkst politics is mostly people over thirty. Why àre you people so obsessed with zoomers?


There already is a wave of tik tok zoom zoom( or maybe gen alpha idk) fashoids, they don’t know shit and just larp in comment sections as if they are waging a war. I recently saw two of those get into a internet fight over one of them being a “faker” and a “poser” we have truly entered a new age of mental retardation.


So, how many newspapers have you sold this week?


Probably pseudo-Nazism tbh. I've seen Trans nazis, Pakistani nazis, Hindu nazis, Mexican nazis, Turkish nazis, Nigerians nazis, everybody is into these crazy ass pseudo-fascist communal identity markers


Among everyday people. Tiny sectarian imageboard posters can believe whatever they want, but trends among 'normies' that actually show up to IRL events are what makes the news.


> 'socialism' fad


…so libertarianism


Spend less time online.
Keep this shit contained.



>Do people here actually belong to orgs?
Was in a meeting a few hours ago with dock workers re: helping them refuse to unpack ZIM ships.
We did have an Organizing General for people in orgs here until it fell off the bottom a few weeks ago after hitting bump limit. Shit was good.




>what will be the next outsider ideology to that captures the attention of disaffected western youth?
effective altruism, accelerationism, yudkowskyism


>kids these days are so dumb

This is just aother strawman. I could say the same about millennials


I've noticed young zoomers (teens) wearing super baggie jeans like it's the 90s and they're wearing JNCOs. I think this is a good thing. This seems more fun and interesting than politics.



I never see them, but then again, my FYP is mostly socialists and memes instead of retarded white dudes


>FYP is mostly socialists
And people say that Tik Tok is not Communist.


Ngl it's kinda crazy for me to see yall saying TikTok is full of zoomed fascists bc most of the young people I see and Hell most people in general I get that talk politics are highly critical of the US gov and capitalism

Then again my FYP is all young adults to middle aged people, maybe people here are seeing high schoolers and college rightoids

Also worth remembering that prior to Gen Z entering the work force, a lot of older "zoomers" had extremely reactionary proto-fascist views, before Reddit was woke it was just articulate /pol/ pretty much


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My vibe meter is telling me people are withdrawing from politics in general and are becoming more interested in other things like their hobbies. There's endless exhaustion everywhere. Here in the U.S., people dread the 2024 presidonkle election, the ugliness of it all. They feel beaten down and prefer to shut out the political noise.

I feel the same way. I stopped by a tabletop game store this evening and felt pulled toward a Battletech gaming clique. That sounds like a good idea, yeah… the mecha tankies are posting online, but I can be a real mecha tankie going down in a blaze of glory as my subsystems fail from repeated laser blasts. That seems like a good way to go out.

The manager of the store had a thor's hammer tattoo on the top of his hand. That's usually a dodgy sign in a store dedicated to tabletop wargaming, but the girl working the counter was a cute trans girl, and she was nice.


I never cease to be amazed at how you guys are so obsessed over newer generations to the point of labelling them when you guys get pissy at boomers doing the same


It's over. It's all but failed!!!

socialists and anarchists are locked in prison as we speak along with have been for years, this fad has ended, the fight for liberation is over and not born with vengeful eyes, the plucking of snakes hasn't begun, the authoritarians have shot themselves in the mouth and anarchists have become the most authoritarian of them all


This ended up being for the best though, where else can we go from here


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Big ape looks around, says the fad has finally ended, big ape kicked the shit out of the fad, has the fad ended, no, but lives have been lost.


>My vibe meter is telling me people are withdrawing from politics in general and are becoming more interested in other things like their hobbies.
I mean people want to stop talking about politics because it has been destroying families since 2015. Biden was elected to basically shut down talks of politics and bring normalcy because a mention of Trump could start a shitstorm of a conversation.


Big Ape forgets, they will never be forgotten. Big ape thinks this is just war and he is constantly threatend, a programmed general for the pig man who owns the factories.


Anarchists have no power
Do you mean that they're mean online in the few non-stalinist forums?


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>So now that the 'socialism' fad is petering out…
If anything's going to peter out, it's going to be le right-populist meme. Orban, Trump, Johnson, Bolsonaro, Milei, all of them turned out to be complete epic failures that only succeeded in lining their own pockets. If you fall for it in 2024, you're a complete fucking shmuck that might as well buy yourself a medbed and some Trump bucks.


TikTok is controlled dissent, the algo just puts you in whatever bubble will get you scrolling the most. It's inherently opposed to deeper thought and dialectical argument/conversation. Ideology store par excellence, its shallowness encourages the aestheticization of everything, which heavily favours fascism. Its form of content delivery numbs the brain. Pure unproductive spectacle. The youngest generation is not magically worse, but they are being manipulated by spectacle and image in newly intense way, just like the previous generation experienced spectacle that superseded that of the previous.


I got a big ole dick


>Esoteric fascism
Do you even know what "esoteric" means? By definition it will never capture the attention of any kind of popular majority.


>what will be the next outsider ideology to that captures the attention of disaffected western youth?
The opposite of the next mainstream ideology.


Hippies will make a comeback.


Lots of people are doing psychedelics nowadays so there could be some sort of neo-hippie movement like an anon said a while ago


I can totally see Western states push for a new hippy movement in order to undermine and coopt the growing new radical peace movement like they did last time.


I will occasionally get a tiktok of some deeply edgy music and a black and white high contrast picture of the Volkshalle or Germania with like 20 likes but that's not exactly the basis for anything real
Whos gonna tell him


>What will the zoomers and their progeny believe in?
It sure isn't post-left anarchism.

The zoom-zooms are only starting to form their ideas. I think fourth-wave feminism and alt-rightism still have some time to grow before they reach a boiling point. Until then I don't see the zoomers' beliefs to drastically change. They pretty much feed into each other, with one group standing for what the other one opposes. The centrists are too apathetic to really be a proper resistance to these two belief systems so maybe dirtbag leftism will become more popular. Or NazBols perhaps? Yeah, NazBolism is such a meme these days, zoomers like memes.

Obviously post-leftism is the only reasonable alternative to this culture war nonsense but not like the majority of people posesses critical thinking skills. It's all just an overreaction to an overreaction to an overreaction.


Also probably Neo-Nazism


>Failed adults trying to "figure out" the youth.

Yall are too obsessed with generational strawmen


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Probably some even more fucked up version of Eurasianism


Well, if Breadtube will start openly supporting neoliberalism there's not that much competition tbh.

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