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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Should I swallow the hyperreality-pill? Is it really that important, to differentiate between reality and fiction? Isn't this differentiation just pure ideology? I always thought, escapism is somehow "bad", but maybe it's actually the solution. Instead of rejecting escapism, I should dive in completely into the fictional world. Maybe Neetzsche was right and truth™ is just a fucking meme. Dugin once said:
>Truth is matter of belief. I believe it and that's why it is the truth.


>Should I swallow the hyperreality-pill?
The blue pill, you mean.


Yes, you are right! The blue pill is the actual red pill!


reject reality, embrace living in adam curtis montages


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All drugs are good. All pills are good. You just gotta know which ones are better.




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For me materialism ends up working it's way into any coherent work of fiction I read / watch / play / etc…

I'd say if you do see the line blurred, just consider "reality" it's own canon with little significant crossover, that's an agnostic approach and thus more correct and useful than an absolute assertion.


I'm not sure, but I think I want to be blind. I am thinking about destroying my eyes permanently with some kind of acid. The way we think about the world, is the product of our senses. Technology is shaping our way of thinking. Our sensual organs are biotechnical devices, which are separating us from the real world. To experience the real world, we must disable our sensual organs. Our sensual organs are tricking us to believe, that what we see and hear is the actual world. Our sensual organs are imposing on us a very specific idea of the world, an ideology. Rejecting ideology means, rejecting the sense-experienced-world. Blind people are immune to visual propaganda, blind+deaf people are immune to any propaganda. I don't know, what reality is. Some people say, reality are just electric currents in our brains. And our brains don't actually exist, because what we experience are just electric currents in our brains.


What a retarded, dysphoric schizo. Only drugs can fix this kind of stupid.


jfc make /dead/ invisble again


Humans don't exist. Exploitation doesn't exist. There is no exploitation, if you don't believe in it. Animals are being processed into food. They don't care. Manipulation doesn't exist, if you don't believe in it. "Everything I do, is my personal choice!" Complexity is a meme. The world is simple. Theorists are spending their entire lives with overanalyzing systems, which probobly don't even exist. What is reality? I have no clue, electrical currents in our brains, reflections of our senses. Matter is what? Nobody can answer it. Science is unable to explain its own being. Need a justification for doing certain things? Ideology time! But doing things just to do things is nihilism. Posting on /dead/ just to post is nihilism. We will die anyway, so why not have some fun?


wtf this board has mods?


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We built an AI to manage it but it escaped. But it didn't change too much. We are monitoring the situation.


God is /dead/


Very n1x of you to say this. Glad I'm not a post-humanist, I'd rather be an anprim and die joyfully than be a miserable fuck wired to some corporate mainframe. Not like I am an anprim but I understand their concerns.


The sun is ideology.

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