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The world is going to shit and capitalism will destroy humanity. There is nothing that we can individually do, and I highly doubt that the normies masses will ever accept anti capitalism. Is suicide the solution?




Definitely not suicide


Suicide is for optimists who think shit is better after death (religious bullshit). Drugs is the solution to escape this grim reality whilst living in it.
Fisher wrote Capitalist Realism and followed it with Acid Communism for a reason anon…


Why just killing yourself when you could take a couple of self satisfied reactoids to the grave with you?


I personally believe that the good people will go to hell and the billionaires will go to heaven because god is a bitch


Honestly if you don't value life why would you care about what capitalism is doing to the world? The fact that you care even remotely means you are invested in the world and your life. Suicide is not a solution at all, you're just helping capitalists further entrench their power.


>Fisher wrote Capitalist Realism and followed it with Acid Communism for a reason anon…

But anon, Fisher killed himself…. And Land is alive.


>The world is going to shit and capitalism will destroy humanity. There is nothing that we can individually do, and I highly doubt that the normies masses will ever accept anti capitalism.

You are correct. But I don't kill myself, because I want to witness the apocalypse. It's going to be a wild ride. We haven't seen anything yet. 😎


mass suicide is praxis


Just proves my point.
Fisher was an optimist. And now Land is a hopeless drug addict.


Try and give food for the poor. Is already a good start, like, actual meals instead of a dollar or something. Try idk, talking to them, be part of a volunteer group. You are doing something good for someone else, that is very nice. You can do more later, but first go on easy and small steps. Never be conformist, never lose hope. It is useless to think otherwise. If you are pessimist, every effort is meaningless. There are only two paths, the path of reactionarism, and the path of revolution. Both cannot co-exist, or socialism or barbarism.

Don't feel hopeless now, much, much harder times will come.

We need all the comrades we can get when the resources begin to run out. When the climate starts to change and scarcity becomes more present, where will you be? When the wars get more numerous, more violent one after another, where will you be? When the new iron curtain be pronounced and the capitalist countries all over the world begin the red scare again, where will you be? When WW3 breaks out, nuclear fallout across the land render life almost impossible to billions of people, while the rich get to live safely in bunkers, where will you be?

The awnser my friend
Is blowing in the wind
The awnser is blowing in the wind


kill urself

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