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Sick of RW politics
>nooo you MUST become a puritan to protect the children!!!
>you MUST support dictatorships and corrupt regimes because they're "based"
>you MUST care all the time about culture war issues
But leftist politics is basically the same isn't it? You just trade tradlarp puritanism for LGBTQABC+123 puritanism, and you're still expected to support dictatorship. What do?


Nice horeshoe theory. Didn't know queerphobia is a mere culture war triviality.


Genuine homophobia hardly exists in the western world anymore. Literally no one cares. It's just a case of people looking for problems where there are none. Its not 2004 anymore.
>nice horseshoe theory
It wouldn't exist if both sides weren't acting so retarded. I'm basically forced to pick between people that want to groom kids to be loyal servants to the Hitler youth or people that want to groom kids into hating themselves because their ancestors may have been complicit in exploiting people in the 3rd world (the people doing the grooming are doing the exact thing they're accusing others of)


Every sentence was a cliché, lmao. I was just taking a piss mostly, but no, you really are "one of those people".


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I'll stop being "one of those people" when reality stops confirming horseshoe theory


Well just be an anarchist or something. Why is this even a question


Nah, he seems to be one those centrist liberal zoomers who think extreme queer identitarianism is leftism rather than a liberal degeneration of queer politics.


don't worry, our radical vanguard also supports Russian intervention in Ukraine for some fucking reason


Liberals complaining about "muh dictatorships!!!" and "muh russiods!!" Long live Assad! Long live Saddam Hussein! The invasion was justified! Cope


I just love watching NATO-backed EU sycophants get their asses on their own soil. I feed no illusions that Putin will establish a second USSR, just that his little war will destabilize the First World.enough for revolution to become possible in those parts again.


i see no difference between ukrainians getting invaded and palestinians getting invaded and the fact that some people have decided to make distinctions based on hypothetical nth-derivative political expediency has made me think less of the entire ideological scene
>but palestinians are being curbstomped and ukrainians aren't
extending empathy only to the most helpless is incentivistically retarded
>but ukrainians can just leave and palestinians can't
this sounds like cavalier retarded rightoid noise from someone who wants to be able to do black sun chinlet cruelty without having black sun chinlet ideology (doomed), but if we must address it: palestinians can just convert/denounce hamas/also leave/whatever


you guys are too much paranoid about everything. No one is forcing you to do anything, people present arguments, we have a healthy argument and you can chose wich side do you agree.

Go to the news, see the facts, the data, the information. Internet drama is not reality.


if you're not so paranoid that you're afraid to post about what you think you know because you assume the fingermen will spike your dr. pepper with brown acid, you are not paranoid enough imho


> You just trade tradlarp puritanism for LGBTQABC+123 puritanism
No one does this except glowies


do you mean that only glowies trade the one for the other


If you see someone so stringently “LGBTQ” that they are willing to throw class struggle under the bus, that person glows.


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>rightwingers supporting dictatorship
I never see this happen except for Hitler or Franco.
Otherwise I'd be in good company.

>you MUST care all the time about culture war issues

I'll admit this is true, but that's because rightwingers are addicted to social media gossip and drama.

>What do?

Become a libertarian.
Sounds perfect for you.


If you are a rightwinger, I think being a right libertarian would work for you. They don't generally support dictatorships (& hate populism), and a good number don't really care about culture war issues.
The only drawback I think to being a libertarian for you is certain elements of libertarianism are fringe.


What the fuck is LGBT Puritanism I am a futurist sick fuck who wants to abolish history and end the cult of tradition and replace it with a cult of speed.

In my paradise we worship at the altar of locomotives


Bautisa, Pinochet, Charles de Gaull, Chiang Kai Shek, Duterte, Trujillo should I keep going?


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You have to be 18 to post here


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RW Politics is just "money money money, kill kill kill" till ur country collapses or murders multiple minorities and LW are basically like "let's share and rights for all people is gud", to me honestly except libs, libs are just RW and even then RW or LW is fuckjlng stupid dichotomies


You probably haven't actually engaged with RW politics beyond a few fbi.gov and Twitter accounts. I've witnessed these individuals infiltrate every old-school community I cherish, gradually ostracizing members under the guise of "gatekeeping" (essentially, incessantly posting off-topic content related to right-wing talking points, no ACTUAL gatekeeping). Communities that lean more towards LW tend to be much more chill nowadays. It's rare to encounter groups actively trying to recruit members into something akin to the leaks you see on /pol/. Asking people to respect others pronouns is nothing in comparison to what occurs when communities fall to Weev's offsprings.


.neteen blurts out a boilerplate centrist talking point for updoots yet again.


If you see no difference between loyalists of a corrupt government that has been bombing its own citizens for a decade just for disagreeing with their policies and a people fighting against a colonial settler state that treats them like subhumans, then you are ignorant of what happened there besides the mainstream post-SMO Western narrative of the conflict. Look up some of the earlier articles on the events that led to the war like the Odessa tradehouse fire, then come back here when you are done.


Truer words have never been spoken



>not wanting to kill people is cope


>nooo you MUST become a puritan to protect the children!!!
aka stop being a pedo
>you MUST support dictatorships and corrupt regimes because they're "based"
aka stop supporting american imperialism
>you MUST care all the time about culture war issues
aka gays and blacks are humans

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