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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Communism is dead and died in 1922. The USSR basically became another imperialist bloc and then died, there is no relevant Marxist power on Earth, and the revolution hasn't happened after +150 years. Trade unions are pretty dead (not that they're progressive in the first world) and people join them for workers' rights without caring about internationalism or communism at all or because the industry itself is already unionised; hustle culture, part-time jobs, reverse army of labour, etc, means it's harder to unionise jobs. There isn't a righteous bloc between the first world or third world/BRICS/China, it's which favelas and former colonies are exploited by economic imbalance, colonial infrastructure, and the USD. I'm not sure how unequal exchange could be stopped without communism and it seems like a form of intersectionality so I'm not going to talk about it too much.

I feel like most people here have tacitly accepted that communism is dead and it's just band kids, or intellectuals, or nostalgia-boos. Endlessly regurgitating the same talking points and having literal near-zero impact. It's a glorified history club with some "happenings" about sectarian moralist garbage. Can anyone agree what communism is or what they want after le revolution? And why anyone would listen to Marx' and Bukharin's schizo-ramblings from over a century ago instead of doing something immediately useful like studying for something, or jerking off and playing video-games. I don't think you could scientifically prove Marx and Stirner (lol) btfod him anyways. Communists or Anarchists can't even take over a small island or a city or something. How many people have read Marx in full and how would you distil it without turning it into dogma or agitprop.

Anybody who is sort of successful and is absorbed by western media (which is 90% of the world) will be a liberal by default. Then alt-right/neo-nazis or religion captures other people because they're provocative and lean on perceived real life experiences and spirituality. There is no logistical reason why you couldn't implement communism tomorrow if you wiped every other ideology off the Earth, it's that aesthetics matter way more than "materialism" (Yes, I'm using the human nature argument.)

My point is I'm bored and I don't have anything to do or any meaning in my life.


Society as a whole is a LARP


There's no point in being a doomer. You just have to have hope even if things don't look great right now. Besides there are some positive signs like China, many socialist young people, increased union membership, and so on.


K. Just become apolitical and let us delusionals get on with our thing


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>Point out an obvious fact
>Uhh, you're just being a doomer sweaty

I really doubt there will be any communist revolutions before I die or go senile. Most of the "socialist young people" are really just liberals mad because their wages are being depressed. And union membership is a joke. Even if there was a communist revolution then that isn't the same as end of history and I could play the human nature card again.


Sure you can do all that but what's the point in being a little sour cunt. It's just going to make you miserable and annoying to everyone around you.


Being a sour cunt is acknowledging a basic fact and what should be done about it while you want to play in lifestylism land and LARP about being a revolutionary despite being too afraid to ask the McDonalds cashier for ketchup. I don't care how sour I sound. If you don't like it then ingore it.


You care more about your shitty sub-culture than whatever communism or leftism is supposed to be


No matter what happens, you need to believe it
Even if the whole world thinks you are wrong
Truth shall be protected
We will live and die for the truth and justice

We are Batman, we are the night



You've got no leg to stand on, someone that just pisses and moans is no use to leftism or anything else.


You haven't refuted anything I said (which was basically just my personal rambles). I don't give a shit about being useful to leftism or society as a whole. Maybe I'd join a commune or collective or something like that but that is just how I feel day to day and could change pretty easily.


Well, I keep on agitating ’cause what else can you do?
Are you goin’ to let those sons-of-bitches walk all over you?
My friend said, “You’ll get fired hanging with that Commie mob.”
I should be so lucky, buddy, for I ain’t got a job.

Oh, you ain’t done nothing if you ain’t been called a Red.
If you’ve criticized anything, then you’re bound to hear it said.
So, you might as well ignore it or love the word instead
’Cause you ain’t been doing nothing if you ain’t been called a Red.


Leftism/Rightism/Liberalism is window dressing for people's actual desires. I mean, you can't murder some random guy on the street but if you join the army or lynching some bandit then it becomes acceptable relative to society or someone's own moral compass. There are a few people who really care about FALGSC but most people are larpers whether they know it or not.


If you don't care then why are you even here. Big congratulations to you on figuring out people are hypocritical, it's only the most obvious insight about society possible. Nonetheless it's all we have to work with. The fact that someone might hope they meet a hot girl at a rally doesn't mean their whole participation in the rally is illegitimate.



It's because I literally don't have anything else better to do like a hobby and don't have a real friend or group circle that I relate too. I don't enjoy movies because they are sappy as heck. And I'm too stupid and dyslexic to read books. You acknowledging people are hypocrites and two-faced doesn't solve it or make it better.


There's nothing entertaining that's happening or will foreseeably happen. Repeating the same unfalsifiable theories from long dead people.


And since we know you aint studying like the communists, follow your own advice then and metaphorically kill yourself by plugging in to Zuck's cuck verse and load up that porn, you insufferable cunt.


I believe you may actually may have depression, or nihilism. Fighting communism /anarchism /socialism is the most honorable and obvius thing to do with a litle bit of common sense.

“To defend the oppressed against their oppressors, to plead the cause of the weak against the strong who exploit and crush them, this is the duty of all hearts that have not been spoiled by egoism and corruption… It is so sweet to devote oneself to one’s fellows that I do not know how there can be so many unfortunates still without support or defenders. As for me, my life’s task will be to help those who suffer and to pursue through my avenging speech those who take pleasure in the pain of others. How happy I will be if my feeble efforts are crowned with success and if, at the price of my devotion and sacrifices, my reputation is not tarnished by the crimes of the oppressors I will fight.”
― Maximilien de Robespierre


Fighting FOR comunsim/anarchism/socialism, sorry my bad


The only reason this place exists is to be a counter weight to /pol/ and it totally failed at that too. Literally like four threads a day or less and they aren't even good quality.


Unironically, that doesn't seem that bad.


More idealistic shit from some idealistic European guy that died two centuries ago. Well done for proving my point.



Flag and tags


>waaa this board is so terrible which is why I'm here bothering everyone


You should not be controlled by feelings, specially if those feelings make you less human, less compassionate, less wiling to live and change the world. Those thoughts are not productive. Yes, socialism may not be close in your country, so what? Socialism worked, workes and will work, you should not support a system that perpetuates genocide and inequality, slavery and poverty in the whole world.

“Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’” … “The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.” Rest in power, Aaron Bushnell


That's the exact reason.

>Genocide, inequality, slavery and poverty is bad because… uhh… IT JUST IS OK?????
If it isn't based on feelings then what is anything based of and why should it matter? The closed socialism has been to working irl is dirigisme.


*well a centrally-planned economy but still had capitalist relations


If you think that nothing matters, including all those 4 (Genocide, slavery, inequality and poverty) and much, much more, them you are a nihilist. Nothing that i can say can will matter, because again, you don't care about. Once again, your depression is showing.


My point is that they are all feelings and not objective facts. It's an infinite regress of trying to justify things with over things.



It's possible to convince almost anyone of almost anything by saying the right things. Again, the window dressing point (>>5059). There should be a way to force changes to human behaviour, like wireheading or an experience machine, or maybe a brain implant. I think subjective happiness is more important and more feasible


The pursuit of happiness is useless, because it does not make us closer to truth. Science makes us close to facts, for logic. Maybe one day we will discover the meaning of life, the meaning of life, the meaning of all this. But we cannot do this just by sitting around and doing nothing. Society will evolve, and the path for progress of humanity is Socialism. Philosophy will only get you so far


There's no such thing as a meaning of life. Truth exists (i.e. I'm sitting on a chair right now, The Earth is orbiting the Sun) but I don't want to be pedantic. What little time humans have in the world should be spent on hedonism.


And human life is too short to be truly "meaningful" in the way you mean. We all die.


>There's no such thing as a meaning of life

You can't prove that man, show me the proof


and even if you believe in that, why live anyway. You see, your thought is not based on logic, but your depression. You should get profissional mental health, and i am not saying this because i am shittalking you, is a sincere advice. Even the joker support mental health!


Ok, you're being pedantic. It's like saying why so-called God can't move an immovable object. I guess I left myself open by making that claim.


I'm not getting committed to a psych ward m8.


Chill out anon do you seriously think society cares enough to throw you in the psych ward the second you say you're depressed?


It definitely happens. There's a lot of horror stories about people being locked in for years.


Not for just telling your doctor you're depressed lol. If you say you're about to kill yourself or someone else then maybe but Reagan closed most of the asylums years ago.


>There's a lot of horror stories about people being locked in for years.

Like the joker!



OP you are right.
Politics is just lazy intellectual exercises.
A moral convenienxe by adults used for appearing "profound"


>Most of the "socialist young people" are really just liberals mad because their wages are being depressed
Well why is that a problem? Why do they need to believe in some metaphysical cause of communism when their egoist motivation is already at odds with capitalism?

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