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I'm fully black pilled, even just talking to fucking Western normies has me begging Putin to unleash his entire nuclear arsenal yesterday. I think I finally realize why I hate our species. Because humans are servile. People are like cattle in a way, real go along to get along fucking faggots. Almost all humans bask in slave morality and their only purpose for existence is to toil for their masters, almost no westerner can think outside the confines of capital, the only ways they can envision bettering their lives is by serving the market better or simply becoming capitalists, which is what 90% of people aspire to. Unlike past generations, no amount of suffering or poverty can make modern normies change, they are fundamentally different from the labor movement of the previous century, normies cannot rebel, mentally or emotionally, if you try critiquing capitalism, even subtly, they will call you a filthy Marxist communist and reject whatever you have to say.

Normies are infinitely more retarded than they were in the late 2010s, because like animals they have decided they want to be ruled so long as they're fed pig slop, they hate politics now, they hate communists explicitly because communists think about society deeply and want to change the world for better, normies do not think the world can be improved and don't want it to be.

Nuclear war is the most revolutionary act that can be taken in modern society.


>I am le based
>Soicety is full of NPCs
Touch grass, have sex, and never post shitty bait again.


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get over it


Oh, you woke up? I wish I could go to sleep.


An odorous mix of framing social phenomena as inherent to being human and moralization.


Why do Normans get so furious when you point out their tendency to live on the knees and gobble up dirt in their mouths

Do the subhuman newfags that have been ruining this board since fucking 2022 not even have the time to read three paragraphs now? If you post on a communist board and can't even pull off reading some paragraphs you really ought to be shot in any revolutionary situation


Like no offense, bruv, but I've done the Nietzsche bit, I'm like so over it.


And inb4 anons spew nonsense anyone that isn't a total fuckin moron would recognize as a pathetic attempt at pushback, no, my OP doesn't imply these people are inherently that way you fucking retards, but they've been indoctrinated past the point of no return, society likely just has to be destroyed and the survivors either die off or restart.


I don't think you guys understand how nuclear warfare works anyway


You act so smart and yet you don't know that critique is a noun and not a verb.


Doesn't matter
Normans would sooner slaughter each and every person on this board over accepting basic welfare or anything else

The sooner you realize the average person is a fascist that just doesn't know it yet, the better

Normans will laugh you off if you dare suggest the world is not ideal


If we start talking too much about "violence" and "killpeople-ism" and "Nuclear war is the most revolutionary act that can be taken in modern society." this website is gonna be taken down. At least try to be subtle


Most people are pure evil and extraordinarily ignorant. The average person doesn't know what communism is and doesn't want to learn. The idea of changing anything for the better is poison to them. I honestly think it would be easier to convince the average guy to become a neo-nazi than to become a marxist. The propaganda is deeply ingrained since birth and is very difficult to reverse. The word Marx used at all is like a slur to them, it's an attack on their identity.


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>Nuclear war is the most revolutionary act that can be taken in modern society.


You will never be successful. You have no assets, you have no capital, you have no skills. You are a loser twisted by communist ideology and disinformation into the complete antithesis of society’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, investors aren't interested in working with you, and even your so-called “apolitical friends” laugh at your ghoulish behaviors, attitudes, and thought processes behind closed doors.

Investors and commoners are utterly repulsed by you. Myriads of years of evolution have allowed skilled people to sniff out incompetents with incredible efficiency. Even communists who have seized the means of production look unattractive and unpromising to investors and commoners. Your ideological structure, economic actions, and social positions and policies are dead giveaways. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, misinforming, baseless talking points.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll then contact the government or fellow friends, bury you in a mass grave, and passersby will know that a communist is buried there for the rest of eternity. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is your unmistakably repulsive communist leanings.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.


You're thinking like an elitist, I'll welcome you into the arms of the right side of side of history when you're ready. The Confederacy lost, the Nazis lost, the Communists lost, America always wins. Come on, be a winner. You're wasting your time thinking about the cattle.
>T. Unironic Neocon.


>Muh welfare
No, fuck the poor, fuck the rich too. All the tax money that goes to social security and gibs for ghetto rats and white trash should go to Nasa.






>you point out their tendency to live on the knees and gobble up dirt in their mouths
<"I'm fully black pilled,"
Zero self awareness lol
> If you post on a communist board and can't even pull off reading some paragraphs
"Read these worthless radlib paragraphs to prove you aren't a liberal" nah


Sounds like a moralistic language to me. Are you included in that "deserving" group? Am I included? Because I sure do not want to die.
>Almost all humans bask in slave morality and their only purpose for existence is to toil for their masters
I think it's the fault of our class society.
>like animals
But we're already animals…
>Nuclear war is the most revolutionary act that can be taken in modern society.
If I can't dance, I don't want to be a part of your revolution.
>talking to fucking Western normies has me begging Putin to unleash his entire nuclear arsenal yesterday
Not gonna happen and you know it.


>All the tax money that goes to social security and gibs for ghetto rats
Based ghetto rats gaining the system.

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