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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Is uzumaki post-left?


are constant dogshit threads funny? (no)


get over yourself. Learn to have some fun.


tbh i dont think even you find wasting your life away by posting continuous garbage online fun


Uzumaki is post-left because it abandons dialectics for spiralectics.


I loved the imagery


I love Junji Ito work, very nice.


Dialectics has always had a spiral appearance.


Yes OP, it is Cyber-Nihilist content slop for N1x fans and anti&/post-civ anarchist transhumanists alike. It is at just the right level of misanthropy and death-drive for heartbroken emo gay twink-ism / lesbo synthesis. The Uzumaki movie from the year 2000 is also especially perfect due to its obscurity and anti-mainstream rhetoric for annihilation of normies (for now).
The deepest concern a postie can have with this series is the thought of it being watched by braindead normie vermin (memelords) and turned into TikTok / YTshorts roblox parodies. *Although that concern applies to all media and everything ever non-mainstream.
The Uzumaki movie from the year 2000 also pairs well with the cult classics like Suicide Club from the year 2001 and The Machine Girl from 2008 *(which has sadly been raped by the normie-eyes of newgens' molten brains discovering D&B and Breakcore). It is the perfect movie for posties to watch on their cracked-screen phones from 2015 with falling buttons and mysteriously increasing storage-space while in bed to avoid the fact that they don't have weed or psychadelics because they're too unsociable to find a plug. This is all backed up by the scenes of the structure of society and civilization in the series failing and people dying or succumbing into antinatalism, sadness and madness.

Overall the Uzumaki series deserves a strong rating of 8 hello kitty zombie corpses out of 10, and the Uzumaki movie from the year 2000 deserves a 9 out of 10. Cells of Fire & Czarna Teoria approved. Ⓐ certified >>>/dead/ favourite! Guaranteed to make your Instituto Nacional go into Incidente Overoles blancos!


I found your coment so funny i will save it and stoprage it forever


I saw that film, it made me pull my dagger on the existent


learn to post you obscene faggot


>>5131 wow lmfao
someone should send this review to Nyx on xenofem.me



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Wow I had no idea I was missing bangers like this


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>>5137 No thank you ❤️


tbh seems like the kind of thing she would write


>If you would like to join us, send an email to xenofemme [at] riseup [dot] net and introduce yourself.


Yea riseup is a known glowie service, but anarkiddies will still continue to use it because it has LE WHOLESOME ANCOM STAR BRO!!!


I honestly installed it just because of the "ANCOM STAR BRO!!!", and that was literally the only reason. Never used it though


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I have been summoned

this description reminds me a lot of the movie Pulse (Kairo), which is another piece of Japanese media that came out at around the same time as Uzumaki. it's also very cybergoffick and has the same sort of Y2K apocalypticism of everyone succumbing to depression and madness and killing themselves. highly recommend if you haven't seen it. one of my favorite movies of all time.

anyways I haven't actually read Uzumaki (I don't read very many comics/mangas) but I've been convinced. been wanting to read more Junji Ito anyways and also watch the movie Long Dream (another Junji Ito movie adaptation) because I've had it downloaded for an extremely long time.

>Overall the Uzumaki series deserves a strong rating of 8 hello kitty zombie corpses out of 10


I mostly use riseup because email is a thing that everyone has and can be reasonably secure if you care about it by using GPG (I have my public key on my site but I should probably link it on xenofemme too actually), and because unlike Protonmail, riseup just uses standard IMAP/SMTP, so you can use your own email client instead of being forced to use some shitty bloated web client with a bunch of snake oil security theater bullshit that is probably backdoored anyways. I could host my own email server, but it's a huge pain in the ass to do that and even if I jumped through all the hoops to try to make it compliant I would be pretty much ensuring that my emails would get filtered by most peoples' email hosts, because email is a completely pozzed protocol and it's fucking stupid that this is what everyone's identity on the internet is tied to. it's all a big op by google and the CIA to monitor your communications.

really though I don't know what your threat model is here. fedi is a public channel for shitposting, not a place to organize, and I would tell anyone who was trying to use it for that to fuck off and get on Briar, Cwtch, or hell even Signal if you must.


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Hi N1x!!
I've been meaning to ask - are you aware that the polish anarcho-nihilists of Czarna Teoria who are inspired by Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei have published an article about your writings on Cyber-Nihilism?


I vaguely remember someone who was I think a Czech anarchist contacting me awhile back about how I had apparently inspired them and some of their comrades but this is the first I'm hearing of this. they may have contacted me around the time when this post you linked was published actually; it was a few years ago.

damn I wish I could read (Czech)


What are your other favourite movies?


hard to say because I've seen a lot of stuff, and I can appreciate artsy filmfag kino, but the movies I enjoy the most and usually am compelled by the most is usually trashy horror/exploitation stuff.

if I had to narrow it down to like a top 10:
>1. The Hunger
>2. Ms. 45
>3. Pulse (Kairo)
>4. Marebito
>5. Inside (2007 French movie)
>6. Possession (1981)
>7. Father's Day (2011 Troma movie)
>8. Tetsuo: The Iron Man
>9. Spirited Away
>10. Female Prisoner Scorpion

I could go on and on though talking about different directors and subgenres


>post-leftism is when cyber-nihilism
Zoom-zooms not bothering to read McQuinn or Landstreicher, kek.



>guilt by association
Oh, great, another post-leftist getting cancelled. Sure never happened before.

I'm not saying it's impossible for him to do it but really. Post-leftists are despised not just by conservatives but by progressives too. And even if Wolfi did justify child molestation (from what I heard from others it was a misunderstanding) does it really devalue what he wrote? Such a hypocritical thinking: appreciating the author's work but doing a complete 180 when they do something you don't like.

Also, it's not the first controversial thing Stirnerites have said, it kinda comes with the ideology. Walker said ethnic violence makes perfect sense and Tucker said it's okay for a mother to throw her baby into the fire. The thing is, Stirnerites do not "justify" anything, they simply say that something makes sense in a certain context. Walker didn't say the racist workers weren't spooked and Tucker didn't say that you should throw a baby into the fire. But the context is once again lost on other people because their brains are wired differently.



>>5176 (me)
Now that I think about it, we're all Richard Stallman: we all say outrageous shit and then people misinterpret what we say as something way more disturbing to them than it really is. Stirnerites are particularly prone to this 'cause they can be real edgelords. The real counter-force to 4chan.


>is pop culture media le funny ideology????????
desperate for threads arent we

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