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/dead/ - Post-Left

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I think the left is too nice, and doesn't feature enough comic sadism and spite.
I genuinely have a deep desire to be hurt and controlled, and to hurt and control others.
I think such self-defeating desires are as legitimate as any others, and cannot be reduced to madness or ideology.
I do think I should probably just pay for a dom when I save up enough neetbux.
Or maybe ERP online.
But I'm kind of a coward though.
Anyhow, that's the biggest reason why I don't like the left.
>inb4 but if you don't like the left then why are you a leftist
Easy, I don't like myself either.


>I genuinely have a deep desire to be hurt and controlled, and to hurt and control others
What do you think fascects are for?


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You know, I think the left is really lacking genital torture. Yeah, a little more of that, and a little more glamour and sleaze, and my herd of swine will be back in top form. And not a moment too soon.


/siberia/ is next door.


I can't bullshit myself to believe in the white race, and all that bullcrap. I'm pretty classist, so I dislike fascists for being poor and fat. I'd be a conservative, but conservatives have the worst comedy of all options.


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Well you can control people through charisma and expertise but not coercively




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This. We must return to baby mushing trees.


>i want to be oppressed and oppress others


>Or maybe ERP online.
That's probably your best bet. That and fanfics.
Like there's a lot of leftists wtth S&M kinks that just don't outlet it into their politics because they know it would make them less effective. I get that can be frustrating to not multitask, but you decide your work-life-praxis balance and will find a routine you're happy wtth.


I mean I mentioned kink, but it's more that I am deeply distrustful of people who are kind to me, probably because of experiences of abuse. So I just really feel scared hanging around spaces that are too nice. It feels gross and manipulative.


Don't see why we should care.
This is not your blog.


Have you tried being normal and not abusing your own body for temporary hedonistic release?


I'd let you hurt me some.


Violence != Oppression

Violence is an inherent fact of life. The structure of intertextuality in communication and the discursive-self is itself a kind of bondage. Basically, I'm an everything is rape feminist, but I think a little violence is okay as a treat.


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You are anti-social. Go outside.


life itself is temporary hedonistic release from the permanence of death anon.


I'm kind of a sperg.


I don't think NEETs are illegalists, anon. Those guys actually go outside.


Why don't you just go around starting fights with random chinlets? Move to a red state and start evilmaxxing


The left is "too nice" because their morality forces them to be nice. But sadism is a spook, there is no reason for a person to be a sadist if they don't wanna.


I'm kind of a coward. Also, I am more of a masochist than a sadist.
The desire that desires its own repression is very curious isn't it?


I guess I want others to degrade me because it's the only form of attention I can trust. The left being nice feels gross and manipulative to me.




Thank you, I needed the pick me up.


>The desire that desires its own repression is very curious isn't it?
Well, sure, but it's up to the individual. Social Darwinists are somewhat based except for their fetishization of Nature (something primitivists also do) and, just as with sadists, their fetishization of bringing suffering to others. I don't think it is the individuals' duty to inflict harm, they are free to decide for themselves what ways of living are best for them, everything else is just an anti-morality. I want to be consistent in my moral nihilism so forcing sadism on myself or others is not something I want to do.

But do what you wilt, I don't care.


It's not really about ideology, it's about the irrational drive to suffer.


>It's not really about ideology, it's about the irrational drive to suffer.
Well, I technically have nothing against it, but as Stirner said, by embracing one drive you repress many others. Embracing suffering isn't embracing the totality of life.


holy fuck put /dead/ back in the crypt agin and get it off the overboard. fucking hell.


This thread was moved here from /leftypol/. It's an attempt by the mods to destroy /dead/.


What is /dead/ may never die

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