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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Is the communist dream dead? Young people are turning more and more reactionary and even the "leftist" ones would rather want a liberal capitalist welfare state than actual communism. Back then there was the east to look at for communism. To build hope. Now 95% of the world is capitalist with no signs of stopping until the world is destroyed. Technology has gotten better to control the oppostion and dictate the narrative. Something as shameless as a genocide is everywhere on the news and the people mostly shrug their shoulders.


>Young people are turning more and more reactionary an
Not true.


western chauvinism itt


>vibes based lies
Sage and report.
fuck off back to wherever you came from faggot.


>Is the communist dream dead?
No. See Communist China.


China and Russia are the most powerful nations on earth and the USA is on the brink of collapse, gtfo with this doomer bullshit


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Did Russia and by extension Putin turn communist while I wasn't looking?


Russia operates as Marxist Leninist on the geopolitical level and Putin himself was a former KGB agent who never officially renounced communism, so in ways that matter in the current era of imperialism they are indisputably communist


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Sage this shit anon,
>>Is the communist dream dead?
but also we have just had the SA Election in which the EFF has again polled over a million votes explicitly talking about creating a African Union and re nationalizing industry and land (without compensation), >>1867109


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>Russia operates as Marxist Leninist on the geopolitical level
Anon, if you really believe this, I would love to hear it explained.



thats like MAGA is communism levels of cope


Russia is aligned with China and against NATO on the world stage and repeatedly supports anti-imperialist governments the world over even when it doesn’t directly benefit them. This creates favorable conditions for Marxism Leninism to flourish, therefore it is reasonable to say Russia’s geopolitical agenda is Marxist Leninist


This is literally the same logic as MAGA = COMMUNISM.


Communism needs to go back to its roots and rexamine itself and by roots I mean before the manifesto and before Marx. We shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater but start from the ground up and integrate whatever we've learmed from Marx and the last 200 years or so.

>Young people are turning more and more reactionary and even the "leftist" ones would rather want a liberal capitalist welfare state than actual communism

Younger people today are raised in a hyperconsumer society. Their only life goals are to maximize pleasure and minimize suffering for themselves while amassing commodities, symbolic capital, and hedonistic life experiences. All political movements today are basically selfish and self-centered. This consumerist nihilism is a serious threat. In many ways these people are the brainwashed bots inside they Matrix. They are about as bad as the system itself and they sustain it.

>Technology has gotten better to control the oppostion and dictate the narrative

True, but look at it another way the technology to subvert has gotten better too. The internet was an excellent tool for mass subversion and guerrilla warfare, now they are centralizing it and mastering it. The the traditional dying left was too slow to embrace new technologies and too naive and ignorant about it.

Marxism-Leninism, Anarchism, and Western Marxism are all dead ends. The Enlightenment project is a dead end. We need to rebuild something new like the French revolutionaries, we have to create new ways of thinking, organizing, and fighting that didn't exist before.


sounds like fascism to me


I have no interest in creating an authoritarian state with racial politics and "corporatism" (officially snactioned corrution) no thanks.

We have to go back and reengage with the two roots of Communism
<A. Axial Age traditions
<B. Utopian Socialism

Marx's economic critique of capital was very useful but Communism has been slowly poisoned by bourgeois rationalist thought. The Enlightenment tradition is the rot we have to cut out. We must return to our Axial Age roots and by return I mean re-engage not retarded fascist Evola shit.


the western left is dead. your choices now are:
1. historical fan club
2. online discourse mongering (twitter, debate streams, video essays)
3. history reading group
4. historic country themed HOI fbi.gov
5. foreign country wish fulfillment fantasy (we'll outsource the revolution like we outsourced making stuff!)
6. literal cult. (come on, join the CPGB-ML-M-Provisional-Committee (non trinitarian), the real vanguard!!)

oh, and for all of these, it's also an ersaz religion. now, all rise for our catechism from the book of Stalin… (all together now)



Is when the "democracy" is social.
Liberalism is when you liberate things, conservatism is when you conserve things, etc


no comrade, that's wrong, you must study harder. please spend more time studying: read threads here where the posters appear to be making zero effort, find the most poseur-seeming twitter accounts possible and give them a follow, and of course, watch lots and lots of debates on youtube and twitch to accumulate further knowledge. do this and maybe in 5 years you can graduate to advanced study: mining historical texts for quotes you can use out of context…


I don't need any of that, i have thousands of trotsky newspapers


>ML thread
Wtf is this board anymore?


The mods keep moving shitass threads here.


>The mods keep moving shitass threads here
Wtf, mods? You have some resentment towards this board or something?


>Is the communist dream dead?
has it ever existed even?


uuga booga


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>is the communist dream /dead/???
>wtf why did i get moved to /dead/? was it it something i said?


Arguably no, outside of intellectual circles and a minority of proles and peasants. If you read through history you realize how impoverished or idealistic most peoples' conceptions of 'communism' are. And that continues up to today. It's telling that things like labor-time accounting or the Chinese rural workpoint system are these obscure bits of communist 'lore' that you have to read academic histories to understand, but the least revolutionary aspects of 'AES' (i.e. rapid industrialization) are the bits that are endlessly propagandized to people.

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