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/dead/ - Post-Left

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Last weekend I got totally socially destroyed by people in my orgs with a whole load of lies, emotional appeals, etc. They had secret meetings to talk to a lot of key people to convince them of these lies in advance. They then sprung all of this on a national meeting, throwing me under the bus among borderline rape allegations against friends of mine who arent even members and they never interacted with to any capacity, all in an effort to put their candidate in a light on a platform of "fighting sexism" and take down the opposing candidate in the process.
The party I spend 3+ years of my life in a near full time manner building up, of which i build up the entire chapter from zero to dozens of members, including the people who fucked me over, all of it is taken away from me.
The people in the org were easily swayed by a very obvious plot. Nobody opposed a showtrial without any evidence in which people were attacked by name, despite them not having mentioned any of these issues before to the confidants or the board. People, including those who said they would have my back, didnt dare to intervene.
A moscow trial was conducted in an org of only a little over a hundred people.

If communists are unable to defend and see such snakes and opportunists even at this level, and are so easily swayed, and if even this small a scale is enough to invite full on throwing comrades under the bus for your own gain, then all is lost. The opportunist powerplays that happened in the soviet union are inevitable. Democracy and workers power is an impossibility. The left can never win because it is unable to even have a functioning democracy beyond 150 people without falling to unopposed opportunism.

I am done with politics, i'm going back to my life with people I actually can trust, and im just gonna grill. The Marxist ideal is an illusion, even the smallest level politics gets easily corrupted by opportunists.


> The Marxist ideal is an illusion

What are you trying to accomplish with that quote OP? Do you think we will cheer for this amazing quote?


>noooo I got kicked out of my gay little role-play org so now I'm an enlightened centrist


I mean, you lived your worst week of your lfie because of that org. Always remember that healing is possible, because time is possible. Give it a month, a year, a decade. You will get over it, one day, one foot after the other. You can do it. Do it. For the working class


this is literally a blogpost… OP im sorry but what the fuck am i supposed to do with this information?


Join a real org and do simple work instead of getting involved in leadership. We autists aren't fit for political dispute.


Bro's just venting I guess.
I hope for once posters don't just shit on him in another moment of left dis-unity.

If I were you OP I would do this.


i mean you are right, dont give up OP better days are ahead!


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>I have given up on communism
>mentions rape allegations
>implying the moscow trials were for show
>abandons communism, not the party or org, but literally the entire ideology because of what technically are serious allegations by singular people
You were never a communist to begin with Trot. Kindly self pick yourself out of shame.


your name is bloodgasm. Hope your parents are proud.


Glad you stopped LARPing as an anarchist, freak
Welcome to the boring dystopia of ML party politics


drop the org name you wont


Maybe if my org makes a rape allegation against me, people won't think I'm a virgin (–O_O)


Buckbroke by a FedOp


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Look into council Communism, parties that seek power are a meme and inherently opportunist.


modern problems require modern solutions


Is your name Caleb?


Rape allegations are 3 years old and were disproven at the time too. It's just opportunist emotional manipulation.




Also a belief that real democracy is possible is a fundamental part of Marxism. If a room of less than 100 people all familiar with trickery and theory can't even maintain basic democratic procedures and ask for proof of accusations made on the spot, then I was fundamentally mistaken in my view of humanity. Democracy is impossible, workplace democracy will never work, the sociopaths will always gain power.


>a room of less than 100 people all familiar with trickery and theory
let's be real it's more likely just a cult


have you heard about our lord and savior, sortition?


OP demonstrating that their org was wrong to label them as a weak link and kick them out by immediately abandoning Marxism openly and declaring its aims an impossibility.

You can't make this shit up folks.


The more you grow older the more you realize Marxism is false and communism as defined by MLs is logically impossible.


you're viewing the problem the wrong way: you've gotta think institutionally, rather than interpersonally. (hard as this is if you've just been fucked over)
opportunism and factionalism are functions of the party structure rather than being inherent to human nature - just as water flows downhill when placed on an incline, but pools on a flat surface, so to do people behave differently in different institutional contexts. people who'll gladly attest to your good character in most contexts will remain grimy silent during a show trial because that is what you do during a show trial - to do otherwise just invites being asked to join the defendants. the solution is not better people but a better trial structure. imagine, for example, if the org included a devil's advocate who was somehow rewarded for winning internal debates - now imagine he had to argue in your defense. not only would it be harder to present one-sided evidence, but it would be easier for others to speak up, or to build on the advocate's case. (even if they don't come out in overt support, they can always ask questions that lead the advocate to voice what they themselves cannot…)

parties, in general, are a bad idea: they invite people who want to recreate the Moscow trials, LARPing as a soviet prosecutor or plotter. they're very poorly oriented towards actually getting a practical task done because the nominal purview of a party is so wide - take a stance on everything! grow the party! educate! organize!: fewer trade unions have these kinds of shenanigans than parties because unions have a smaller practical outcomes they can deliver here and now, and i've never known a lemonade stand to hold a show trial - no time for that, there's lemonade to sell.


Come the revolution I shall electrocute you by the testicles for daring to post this on my /leftypol/.


Yeah whatever tankoid like your going to organize the revolution from your moms basement lol


you have done nothing if you haven't been called a red. The truth is, there is no other option. Your premature nihilism is just a way to cope with late-stage capitalism. You cannot live like this forever, you can't escape the reality you live in by believing everything will be ok.


Name checks out.


>you have done nothing if you haven't been called a red.
the inverse - that you've done something if you have been called a red - is untrue, however. plenty of do-nothings go by that label.


we will get to the "do stuff" level. Soon, we will be 0,0000001% closer to communism, you just need to find other people to organize.


>hey invite people who want to recreate the Moscow trials, LARPing as a soviet prosecutor or plotter. they're very poorly oriented towards actually getting a practical task done
Larping and obsession with the past is the main thing holding back the entire left. Online leftists are filled with morons who want to relive the 1930s.


>opportunism and factionalism are functions of the party structure rather than being inherent to human nature
>parties, in general, are a bad idea
Then whats the solution.


True, just look at the people here who still complain about "trotskyists".
Hilarious most commies are just delusional larpers who think they're still living in the 1920's.


Want to give a little background on your party? What were you doing what were you tryinh to accomplish?


non party structures oriented towards a specific goal where success and failure can be objectively judged. generally i would say such structures should be of the dual-power, class consciousness building type (unions of various sorts, for example), but frankly even charity is preferable to the party form. (so long as one doesn't wind up NGOpilled. i suggest charity purely because direct-action charity ought to serve as an education in logistics.)

a lemonade stand which sells no lemonade goes bankrupt. a trade union which utterly fails in every struggle or sells out its membership at every turn loses members to more useful unions. a tenants union that leads its members up the garden path invariably disbands. a soup kitchen that never has any food isn't going to bring anybody in. but a party which does not take power, does not contribute anything of value to struggles, does not effectively educate members, does not do anything to improve (and often does much to weaken) how positively the public sees the left, which does not, in short, achieve anything except its own existence, inevitable infighting with other orgs, and almost inevitably some manner of cult like behavior and/or sex scandal goes goes: "ah, but look at our program! we have the right line!"
it's a farcical situation, and the primary reason parties are not to be trusted: they can always ask to be judged by their "successes" (usually a collection of press releases, mere empty rhetoric from the irrelevant) and not by their failures (every other aspect of their existence), and because they do not do anything there are no practical risks to fucking everything up: mount a coup in the soup kitchen and piss off the guy who brings the soup in? great, idiot, you've destroyed the organization. mount a coup in the party which alienates 75% of the party membership, including the guy who handles the oh-so-precious newspaper and who handles the wordpress? "well, as comrade stalin said: better fewer, but better", the iron law of institutions holds: you're ruling in hell rather than serving in heaven. you get to determine that all important line.


>get fucked over by marxoid deception and lies (typical)
>wtf how could this happen, workers control is over!!!
yeah you deserved it kek
>The Marxist ideal is an illusion
no shit, centroidism isn't the only alternative tho. God damn is the average socialist really this brainwashed by the Marxist hegemony that they cannot fathom an alternative to Marxoidism or the Leninoid party system and its inevitable degeneration?


Try the /cybercom/ thread. They have a side interest in rule by sortition.


plz dont invite worthless drooling morons into good threads, thank you very much

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