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/dead/ - Post-Left

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File: 1608528323671.jpg (80.34 KB, 422x422, welcome.jpg)


Welcome to /dead/, the endless magical nihilist gulag. This is not 8/grim/, but it is the continuation 8/grim/. Think of it as partly an /r9k/ for anti-capitalists, partly /dprk/ with skeltals, and otherwise whatever you make of it.

Now in amazing Techni-nocolors!

>1. Global rules apply
<2. Please keep /r9k/-tier & tfw no gf shitposts to one thread. Capitalism is only one of the many, many reasons why you don't have a gf.
>3. Meta posts belong in this thread
<4. This is a #SAFE space_ for anarkiddies and nihilists; cheka yr authoritarian privilege fam


I'm impressed that you have managed to come up with a style that's even worse than the site's default.


I get that this is all supposed to be super dark and gloomy and stuff, but the text is practically black-on-black over here. Please make it at least a little brighter or something.


It looks perfectly fine on my monitor, but I'll look at brightening the overall text.

EDIT: Alright, how's it look now?


Much better. Thank you.


The gray/black flag its the Agorism flag."Anarcho-Nihilism" isn't even a thing.

Stop using the Agorism flag, please.


On the contrary lad, Agorism isn't even a thing. Nihilists were responsible for fifty years of terrorizing Russia and assassinated a goddamn czar; Agorists haven't done anything, just like every other "anarcho"-capitalist variant.



Fuck "Stupid" was the fucking shit.




I honour the dead. Praise be to the Devil Finger.


I believe this sticky should be redone since the board descriptor is vague and confusing. Also, /drpk/ is no longer active.

As I said prior in /gulag/, 8/grim/ was originally for grim and morbid subjects (e.g. horror, gore, skeletons, etc.), but wasn't as serious as 7/grim/.

Then, you have /dead/ which was "a chill anarchist and nihilist /GET/ with skeletons" before "n1x" left for 0ch then vanished from the internet.


Also is /dead/ going to the top bar?


>then vanished from the internet.
n1x didn't vanish.


Agorism isn't Anarcho Capitalism.



are there still any at least somewhat active anarchist imageboards out there besides /dead/?


GETchan, said you all went to zero chan. Is that why this board is so slow. Where is zero chan? I did a search of it but nothing came up.


0ch has been dead for a few years now….


libcom forum


0ch has been gone since March 2018¹ and n1x chose not to endorse any particular board after it went down.²
¹ https://web.archive.org/web/20180304062617/https://0ch.io/
² https://archive.arisuchan.jp/r/res/896.html


When you read the OP's pic what kind of a voice does the skeleton have when you read it?


Like the voice on zombo.com


Oh god why does this board still exist. I should have deleted it when I had the chance.



Maybe this is where I can post and not get banned.


I hope


Long Live /dead/!


Love Live /dead/!


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Are idol anime anarchism?


Im sorry but i cringed at this one


Why is this board hidden?


Cause that's cooler


I see. Sorry for my silly question I'm kind of new


It's not a silly question.


File: 1685356612574.jpg (111.3 KB, 720x691, FxJLhmwagAMjTAO.jpg)

get out before its too late!


Why isn't this on the top banner?


because we are damned


Basically this whole board is just the Protomen?


File: 1686868173950.png (88.97 KB, 244x410, Proto_Man_MM10.png)


it's a sekrit club for post-leftists carried over from bunkerchan (hidden because no others tendencies get their own board)


Sounds cool
Where can I join?


Expect for app users that can select /dead/ from a list


File: 1687038874962.jpg (58.59 KB, 500x280, activate-it.jpg)

We have been found out, initiate the survival strategy!


but i dont wanna survive ;_;


Don't forget the overboard users


Overboarders just keep winning


nothing escapes our notice


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fix/clean'd up the OP and sticky'd

mwah~ love yall!


The band the protomen.


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>blessed light of the mods


4000 GET for temporary autonomous board


how do i fix the css of this fucking board it wont work and this all black shit is so fucking annoying


Select theme, bottom right.

Unique IPs: 21

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