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/dead/ - Post-Left

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 [Last 50 Posts]



expactation - subverted


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ngl that handshake is p lit



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I saw a video of him giving this talk years ago and have been looking for it again ever since. Thank you for at last clearing up.


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Who is it? >adidas


Someone post the 'oops my anarchy symbol' webm


Who's this guy? He sounds based


His name is Jonathan Meese I think



>preaching millionaire


>the plot to pie hitler
god I laughed too hard.


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Bunkerchan won't let me post the "whoops my anarchy symbol", are they afraid of it?



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is this depicting underage women?


i dont think so
they look that way in every version of the meme


But they are ancap


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This speaks to me.
Sorry I don't have a meme to post. Unless this is a self referential meme.


that's v funny but is't derrick jensen problematic??


I've seen that symbol before, why is the sickle crossed out? And why does the Hammer curve aroud like that?


when was this


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See attached picture. It's just a way to combine the two symbols.

Yes, but it's still funny.

2011 I think.


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>give me your stuff
>cause you're pmc


where did this meme come from anyways?


Is this about >>1091 again? If so, please do use a favour and fuck off.


Radlibs at Chapo IIRC.


tf is pmc?


Professional-managerial class. It's some old and almost forgotten "theory" that between the proletariat and the bourgeois there is a "middle class" that belongs to neither because they are supposedly paid higher wages than the "Real Working Class". It was resurrected when the narrative of "Trump was elected by the white working class so we need to become racists to win them back" became indefensible and now is used for the workers who vote Democrat so that they don't have to be included in the "white working class".


god i fucking hate youtube "theory"


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It's fair to talk about a professional-managerial strata of the working class, but referring to it as a "class" of its own is just dumb.


Chapo Trap House is a podcast, popular with socdems that like to say naughty jokes / phrases from time to time (the "dirtbag "left"" (what they've unironically begun to be called)).


>the dirtback left
That's so retarded.
Like what are we talking about? They used unwoke verbiage or what?


poor bloke never read Althusser.


Anarchist Rebel News



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my love for you burns hot red baby


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just found this on /leftypol/ lol


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i look like this
but i say this


poaching my memes?




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This meme is so old at this point. Back when I saved it I was actually irritated by posties I think


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lmao the gnu/linux pasta got me, but can we talk about how shitty most virgin/chad edits are? the chad side is supposed to mirror the virgin side in a ridiculous, over-the-top manner i.e.
<couldn't point out europe on a map
<who is plato?
compare to the original meme
90% of edits don't get that this is what makes the meme funny


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new template


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>90% of edits don't get that this is what makes the meme funny
True. The atual original was just the virgin and meant to make people feel insecure for things that are totally normal. Half of the "virgin" traits are things that are bizarre to criticize but through the lens of a socially isolated internet user, might seem like real problems. I mean come on:
>walks too fast
>little arm movement
>too polite
>looks below parallel (everyone does this so they don't step in dog shit lol)
>hair seems to overreact to wind (?????? lol)
The point of the CHAD addition is to poke fun at how stupid these insecurity-bait criticisms are by presenting their opposites and asking you if this really seems like a preferable alternative. The early edits understood this, but we have mostly lost the irony now. The gigachad memes sometimes recapture the irony, like with the "bursts into conversation, says X, leaves without elaborating further" etc, but most people seem to do edits that are straightforwardly "that is cringe but this is based."

Pic related is sort of half way between the trends.


Is American libertarianism technically post-left? Anyway, this quote-mined line gave me egoist/nihlist vibes.


more like pre-left


No. What made you arrive at this conclusion?


because egoism or nihilism is when rape? how exactly?


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Half of the thread is gone.



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He totally didn't look like that but he's hot in the pic


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so you say you like memes huh?


fuck off


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>doctore said you have schizophrenia therefore is real


Maybe we all have a collective schizophrenia. Reality is a reflection of My sensory experience, only My existence's existence is an absolute existence to Me as an existing being existing throughout existence.


You know, subordinating your will to a Fuhrer or a mafia boss is not really liberty. Dirlewanger were allowed to "play" as long as they weren't getting in the way of the SS. It's the same kind of "liberty" Ayn Rand advocated. Plus, they were pretty much a cannon fodder with all the suicidal connotations that come with it. But your choise, I guess.

Also, they were probably spooked anyway. Remember: we're Stirnerian intellectuals, not just petty social Darwinists. Stirner and Nietzsche, not Rand and a spooked and schizophrenic worldview, okay? Praise anarchy.


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Could somebody explain to me why so many posties hate psychiatry?
I mean sure, all of those disorders being decribed are constructed since we can't really evaluate a persons psyche in an objective manner. But isn't it obvious that trying to formalise and treat such concepts is just better than not doing anything about people with poor mental health? Of course many ppl say that it is up the person struggling with such illnesses to decide for themselves how to deal with them and diagnosing disorders and prescribing treatments is kinda patronizing, but in my experience thats just not how it works. Mentally ill people can't always judge whats best for them.
Like one of my best friends had a drug induced psychosis a few years back and I vivdely remember him claiming he was fine even though he definetly wasnt. He wasnt eating, only sleeping a few hours per week and had delusions to the point of nearly walking infront of a car if he hadn't been pulled back by me and a few other friends. He definetly refused to enter psychiatric care and we basically had to force him into it. Of course it was a tough time but after a few months he got better and thankfully has fully recovered by now, basically returning to his former self.
I'm not saying psychiatry should be taken as gospel, but what I see on some parts of postie communities (especially on twitter) seems outright harmfull where ppl who obviously need help are discouraged from seeking it by these deleuze-megabrain accounts. I dont get it.


>mental health
nice spook


>Could somebody explain to me why so many posties hate psychiatry?
I don't necesserily but psychiatry can be utilized to strengthen the state control and advance the interests of society instead of yours. Sociopathy is not a disease. Neither is schizoidal personality disorder. The society is just antagonistic towards them.

But yeah, the psychiatry can serve your interests if you have some mindfuckery (schizophrenia) or problems with cognition (autism). But do not hold it sacred as in worshipping it. It still has the goal of preserving the current system fundamentally.


The vague definition of illness is whatever in your organism that gives you emotional or physical pain that is not connected to an outside interference such as verbal or physical abuse or whatever makes it difficult to interact with "reality," that is, the information reported from your sensory organs. The key thing to understand is that the illness is primarily not in your interest as it gives you discomfort and pain so it's a prescriptive, not a descriptive, thing and does not give any normative claims on how to treat a person. Say, I got a cold or something. It gives Me pain and suffering but it's My problem alone that I am interested to solve, not yours. I Myself am not a problem but instead I have health issues. Health issues are My property that I desire to get rid of, so to spook.


turns out my property is a retard


You can say that.


Nah dude, I didn't essentialise those concepts into absolute terms.
Stop calling everything a spook.


"You must assimilate into the post-leftist collective. No alternative viewpoints are allowed, otherwise you are not a true Stirnerite," — post-leftist community be like.


I'm sorry that you are retarded, but calling things you don't like spook just because your read the cursed Anglo version of der einzige and are without any understanding of what those terms describe is just not my jam


i see the post-left is still as embarrassing as it was 10 years ago


it might be embarassing, but how nice is this cozy board? you dont get that with communism


Why did you tag Me?


I think it's newfags mostly. I still highly respect McQuinn and Landstreicher. BTW, Landstreicher also wrote this to deal with these kinds of guys: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/apio-ludd-burn-all-bibles





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