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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1634762446518.png (23.18 KB, 503x428, Oekaki.png)


draw porky


File: 1634790022345.png (10.95 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


File: 1634831923570.png (18.78 KB, 500x446, Oekaki.png)

I don't know why i made this.


Shrek's more of an ancap, no?


shrek represents the lumpenproletariat. he doesn't care about politics except for getting the fairy tale creatures out of his swamp. and let's not forget that shrek is the only one who actually wants to live in the swamp. he is not depriving any other creature of it. the only reason the fairy creatures end up living there is because lord farquaad forces them to
unfortunately, by marrying fiona shrek ends up becoming a class traitor



File: 1635145124547.png (27.85 KB, 887x485, Oekaki.png)

wide porky



i object to the unfair representation of pigs

pigs are intelligent and wonderful animals

porky is a human supremacist, anthropocentric and animalphobic meme


File: 1635301298939.png (60.74 KB, 489x440, Oekaki.png)

what even would a caricature of a human look like?
>exaggerated upright posture
>huge head
>small jaw
>skinny and weak
wait a minute
Alien porky makes sense THOUGH because of how capitalism is alienating.


nice work anon, even if this makes my inner posadist sad


File: 1635429105584.jpg (65.33 KB, 608x931, porky.jpg)

from a year ago


File: 1635433045290.png (Spoiler Image, 34.42 KB, 708x583, Oekaki.png)

POV: you are the working class


why did I click


File: 1635443923549.png (53.25 KB, 500x230, Oekaki.png)




that's such a good drawing tho, nice angle


Porky as a bserserk villain is 10/10


It does kind of look like that (oops lol) but just the underside of the top hat's brim. Never seen someone wearing one from that angle so it was guesswork how it should look.


File: 1635954823554.png (1.05 MB, 1024x1024, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1635968046155.png (156.42 KB, 760x390, 1635967936553.png)

There is a default porky format


File: 1644754982276.png (1.36 MB, 2400x1800, capitalist hell.png)

I tried to do a thing.
I don't know if I succeeded.



Alunya Culo


File: 1645044213174.png (7.13 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


File: 1645062044632.png (19.1 KB, 531x411, Oekaki.png)


File: 1650765190962.png (63.45 KB, 371x612, ClipboardImage.png)

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