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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1636717276605-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 77.19 KB, 640x1190, polykleitos.jpg)

File: 1636717276605-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 51.87 KB, 1024x539, amogus sculpture example.jpg)


How may we apply the counter poise (contrapossa) technique to amogus sculpture? I specifically have in mind the more slight rotation common in classical Greek sculpture
Before the Romans got real extra on it and the Renaissance artists turned it into a windmilling limbs and craning necks free for all. Such is the price of modernist positivism lol
I think the frame of the amogus subject may make this application difficult as it is rather smooth and divisions of the torso are not apparent, nor does there appear to be twisting and bending in the torso from movement, so this is rather atypical of a human subject. I believe we have to carefully study the anatomy and of the amogus and how the joints pivot in locomotion. Perhaps there is something more subtle that is not readily apparent to the human eye. Does anyone have a reliable diagram of a typical amogus subject? I have seen a lot of amogus pornography, but I am of the view that the artistic license is used at the expense of a realistic representation of amogus. Thoughts?


Dangit I had not meant to spoil the files. They are safe for work.


>technique to amogus sculpture?
10/10 shitpost, I applaud you.


File: 1636731439975.png (17.82 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


File: 1636742185927.gif (22.05 KB, 220x220, amogus run.gif)

Excellent I am struck with awe. Here we see Faustian amogus in all his glory. Ecce homo amogus. Yet we must go deeper. I long to see contrapossa deconstructed, Amogus ecce amogus. To see amogus through the eyes of god and not of man. Amogus in it's natural form, the unique motion of it's gait as it travels through Euclidian space. I have prepared some materials for scrutiny by our spoudastí̱s.

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