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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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I'm surprised that we don't have such a thread yet. Share your favorite reference pictures here, let's get a collection going.

https://reference.pictures/free/ - you can just supply a fake email to download the packs


I keep getting "invalid image" errors


I have random "reference" and "inspiration" (for clothes and styles, etc.) pics that I see, like and save in the same folder


File: 1642920211996.png (Spoiler Image, 980.62 KB, 923x697, 1461647294223.png)


What's up with the nipples in the second image?


men's bodys are pretty aesthetically interesting in a non sexual way


is it a mastectomy?


you want to fuck them in a non sexual way don't you?


I mean yeah but mutual psychotherapy is another topic


yeah I think it's a transboy's chest. Realized that after posting the pic




also, mildly related - what would y'all think about a booru for reference images?

i've been thinking about creating one for a while now


There isn't one? Hmm. Doesn't /ic/ have a reference pic MEGA folder or something like that?
There's also sites with a bunch of reference pics, like Quickposes





booba quads


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