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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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I wanna learn how to draw. But where do I even start? What's my study plan? Is it even worth it considering I'm in my very early 20s?


File: 1666507647704.jpg (47.51 KB, 379x500, roberthale.jpg)

Hey anon I just started learning to draw in my early 30s, so you can't be worse off than me.

I suggest going over to 4chan ic and download their torrent - you really just want the Glenn Vilppu lectures - and then never go back that place its a shithole, but the torrent is legit. Then buy the picrel book, a used artists anatomy book (Rubens, Richer or Goldfinger) and Bridgman. Start Vilppu's drawing manual which should get you comfortable enough to do the master studies in the Hale book. After getting more comfortable with anatomy draw Bridgman twice:


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