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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1670333142269.gif (1.42 MB, 1024x1024, porkyscream sketch.gif)


ITT Post animations, WIPs, and so on.

Professional animation is usually collaborative, with different people drawing the parts of the animations, doing lines vs color or keyframes vs in-betweens, etc.

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cool sketch OP
as someone who can't draw for shit, animation will always seem like magic to me. and I frequent /co/
tracing in inkscape is probably the only thing I could do

Animation is subtler than you might think. It's not just drawing successive pictures with slight differences. There are important rules and techniques you have to use to make it look good.

true. and there is also things like getting line thickness right, choosing a good color palette

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For reference, here's the same animation with just the original keyframes (poses) before adding inbetweens and build-up or follow-through. I used several of these animation principles to make the animation look better. How many can you see?

>How many can you see?
6 or 7?
also a challenge: animate it at 50 fps :^)

It's actually not always ideal to animate things at higher frame rates. That's one of the techniques used (#9 in the video). The frame rate you animate with can convey different things.

The whole animation is 24fps (as in film), but parts of the animation are animated "on twos" i.e. with each step taking 2 of those frames. The early movement of the mouth and eyes are animated this way to make them smoother. A higher frame rate would probably look too jittery because the movement is small enough that variation in the lines would stand out. The beginning of the jerk backwards is also animated on twos so each step stays on screen a bit longer to be easier to see. On the other hand, the windup (leaning forward and squinting) and follow-through animate on ones to draw the eyes and cause anticipation to make the larger movement more legible, and to compress the time it takes to go through those more minor movements.

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oh yeah good point. the mind is really good at filling in blanks anyway


This is nice OP, how did you do this? Was it frame by frame? Was this hand-animated? What programs did you use?

Very nice, are you gonna colour it?

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>This is nice OP
Thank you.
>how did you do this?
A few hours of drawing altogether, don't remember exactly.
>Was it frame by frame?
Each frame was drawn, but it was done with keyframes and inbetweens as opposed to "straight ahead" animation. So the important poses were laid out and then the poses that go in-between were added. Starting of course with the two keyframes based on the classic porky images.
I posted a rougher version with fewer inbetweens and before cleanup and some adjustments to make the motion work better. >>3081
>Was this hand-animated?
Drawn by hand with a tablet.
>What programs did you use?
Just Krita. It has built in animation features.

Was planning to fully color it originally (the thread is a year and a half old btw), but I didn't settle on the method. I wanted to imitate the original style of the image, so was experimenting with using painted texture layers and doing the actual animation on the layer visibility masks, but that was cumbersome to do. There are 4 colors that would each need an animated mask layer. I might give it another shot.

Wasn't sure if you were still around OP. Thanks for the succinct reply. I've been trying (and failing) to animate for a while now, and I wanna try my hand at it again, because I keep seeing fan animations for stuff on youtube and feeling irritated that I can't put my own ideas onto figurative and literal paper in illustrated form.

Now is actually a pretty good time to try animating and putting stuff out there. The popularity of the short video format is well suited to animation. A lot of the internet animators got screwed over years ago when youtube shifted the algorithm to favor long-ish videos because it takes a huge amount of effort to animate that much content. 1 minute or less is much more viable for solo animators to do.

>The popularity of the short video format is well suited to animation.
leftypol has a tiktok now, just so you know

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Finishing up sketching an animated version of picrel. Here's the super rough posing from a few weeks ago.

File: 1719751202123.gif (1.25 MB, 640x360, 2024-06-30 sketch.gif)

Might do further tweaks, but this is pretty much done and ready to do linework on.

the tail looks more busy than it needs to be
also stellar work

alunya's face looks ape-like in the last frames

That hate for chinlets does that to a mfer

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Thanks, yeah the tail was done in one go after the main poses were finalized. It's mostly hidden by the blocking anyway so I'll probably redo the earlier parts before lining it.

It's extreme on purpose. I was intentionally trying to border on a wild take there, but it would look better if it was less static. There should be at least a couple frames for the expression to "settle" into a more stable and on-model pose.
Pretty much, also trying to match the energy from the original >>4564

Personally I liked the tail's business.

>There should be at least a couple frames for the expression to "settle" into a more stable and on-model pose
oh yeah that sounds good

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I was being a little experimental there. You don't really want excess movement far away from the focal point, which here is the face area. The tail is its own layer so I can just toggle it off to try something else and compare them.

Yeah, I retooled the followthrough on the face to give it a slightly more extreme face that settles into a more normal one. Definitely works better IMO. Also included a shorter gif to highlight that part.

This looks very clean Anon, especially from an understanding of the original. Well done!


Sketch pass for ppdppl's dancing Alunya gif.

Planning to do further passes and hopefully complete by the end of Feb. Earlier if possible.
<Primary motion pass (tracking the skeleton and basic forms)
<Secondary motion pass (clothes, tail, ears, hair, soft tissue, squash&stretch)
<final sketch + line work
<color and shading

Will post updates as I go

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Just realized the thread doesn't have the finished Porky animation.
Rendered in multiple sizes to accommodate space limits. <3

Very nice

Today's progress. Building the forms, next will be fixing up proportions to be more consistent before adding the other 2/3rds of the frames.

niceu :)

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