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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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First time on /leftypol/ Edition
I like drawing on occasion, mainly my OC Gabriel (redhead boy with a little femininity) and sometimes Larissa (his deadpan but kind gf)
Anyway this is an art trade thread, so exchange doodles or full-blown drawings, depending on what you're about
171 posts and 115 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Do they turn protoss when seen from the side?


how do these characters look babyish/infantile to you?


This. The creation of mass media has warped peoples minds of how things come to be.

Amy and every bad incident thats reported is constantly treated as the first of its kind. People lose memory/interest of previous incidents of the same/similar kind.

Likewise, any epic stunt/business thats reported is often assumed to just mere natural elbow grease and not complete skill training of natural born talent.

Not all hard work with simple wit can take you far.
We have poisoned by these rags to riches stories.


File: 1707991188424.jpg (889.46 KB, 962x779, 20240215_101549.jpg)

I don't think I understood that question
But I do agree that the perspective tends to be wonky on my end, if that's what you meant



They have no mouth.


Ah, that makes more sense
Guess I'll have to experiment with that a little bit


File: 1708026390848.jpg (1.19 MB, 1050x912, 20240215_191348.jpg)


i like coming to this board and seeing your drawings


File: 1708173329596.jpg (1.38 MB, 2471x1728, 20240217_090952.jpg)

Made a joint reference sheet for these two, feel free to draw them if you'd like
You're too kind, seriously!


File: 1708439746433-0.png (2.78 MB, 1012x1638, dina-newish.png)

File: 1708439746433-1.png (2.7 MB, 1012x1560, dina-newish-colour.png)

Dina Anatolna


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Milenkaya roza (Zhenya's magical boy form)


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"What's your name, pretty boy?"
"Can I pet you as well?"


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Ooh I like this warm look you've got going on lately. What pen are you using for the outlines?


File: 1709405305209.jpg (1004.18 KB, 1121x1292, 20240302_131313.jpg)

Thanks! The "warm look" is courtesy of a filter I apply in Pixlr called Lolita, usually set at like 35-45% (exception is picrel which has 75%). It also helps decrease the size of my doodles because the raw scan is very heavy.
As for the pen, I'm using a store-bought pen, namely a 0.2mm UNI PIN Fine Line ink pen


cute 2hu


File: 1709464367002-0.jpg (876.29 KB, 633x959, 20240303_113722.jpg)

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ty :D


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That one Russian propaganda poster


Who is she?


What does this mean?


>Who is she?
An OC from 4chan, her name is Juni
>What does this mean?
It says "In the near future". Something something women's suffrage LE BAD!


File: 1710850824819.jpg (1.1 MB, 1205x1355, 20240318_221001.jpg)

Putin got elected for President (again)
Might be my first actually politically charged drawing since the drawing of Gabriel holding an anti-copyright flag
See here >>3644


Oh no they're retarded


What does it says?


Shh anon, I have a right to express my opinion
Top of the sign says, left to right:
[Poll]ing station No. 40 (text was cut off by yours truly)
Russian Presidential Elections
The website of the Central Election Committee (in Cyrillic, cik.rf)
Zhenya's flag says, "Freedom to Russia!"
Dina's pamphlet says, "This ain't my president"


No, you see, this is a leftist website, so if you voted for the communist party in this elections you are clearly wrong.


I didn't vote because I'm not Russian myself


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The cast


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mitsumi studyy




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hot hot hot


File: 1711570072223.jpg (1.06 MB, 1337x2149, Slika-0002.jpg)

Tamsty—that be all


Is the redhead drinking out of a burger

Also are they a boy or girl? Was the image above just a gender swap?


She's Dina, there's a reference sheet: >>4205


Ah apologies


>Is the redhead drinking out of a burger
Yup, and I have no idea why I drew that lol
Also what this anon >>4326 said


Here’s a sketch of Gabriel I just did


File: 1711713442530.jpg (1.03 MB, 927x1293, 20240328_210950.jpg)

I think that's Dina you just drew :) Either way thank you sm! It's cute


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"Is it bed time already?" — "It's now five o'clock in the morning…"


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A burst of inspiration


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Anyone watched this year's Eurovision?


child gf


Yup, that's the meme

Unique IPs: 35

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