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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1689015985432.jpg (21.29 KB, 598x598, 20230710_150217.jpg)


I drew a lil Marx


Are those his eyes or nostrils?


nice 1 m8

reminder to read da theory to everyone in this thread


>mustache isn't black
awful, 1/8


Duhring Sex, do you Cum?


File: 1689025670477.png (546.33 KB, 600x849, ClipboardImage.png)

cute, but some crits:

>marx doesn't wear a closed suit like that. He has it open in a V shape at the top (no tie usually)

>marx wears a monocle around his neck like a necklace, which he holds up to his eye to read, but never wears
>Marx's beard and hair are white/grey, but his mustache is black. Unless you are drawing Marx in his 30s, in which case all of his hair is black.
>if you draw young marx (early 20s), he had no beard/mustache
>Marx did not stick his hand in the suit pocket like that, but in the space between buttons, napoleon style

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