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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1693805945823.png (156.51 KB, 448x448, ClipboardImage.png)


nuchvd. waddya think? gemmy?


File: 1693805972363.png (179.49 KB, 448x448, ClipboardImage.png)

chvddy diffvsion


Nice you got the facial proportions correct, and the tone of his face is on point :)


Too humanizing with that melancholic look. The AI tries to impart SOVL where there should be none. If you look at the actual photographs of the shooters that poljak was based upon, you may notice a striking absence of pathos, only affected snarls or empty fluoride stares.


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No, you made him look more handsome than me…


File: 1693810093100.jpg (27.99 KB, 680x453, FjI9TpKWIAExPDO.jpg)

no, keep it humble, realism is just poor imitation of photography, 'jak is more than an image, but a symbol.


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I think this one nails the sleaziness and lack of empathy


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nice variety. mods don't delete. might assemble these into an animation


evil kim kitsuragi


File: 1693811356731.png (6.7 KB, 253x250, Oekaki.png)




These suck


why he look like crocker from fairly oddparents


biblically accurate crocker


File: 1693840842672.gif (1.84 MB, 325x244, beam me up.gif)

>the ear on the neck


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>I know… this is the work of…



the amount of effort lol


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Cuck of the pit dust.


almost all jak art is hideous but this is just chef's kiss


Yakko's world but it's 'Jakko's world




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Chvdjak has been KIA'd
Billions must mourn



File: 1694296201212.webm (3.89 MB, 590x1052, 16929783233144.webm)


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AI proompt: A man with droopy cheeks, large lips, dark eyes, glasses, a receding hairline, furrowed brow, very small chin, and no ears, staring off into the distance, his gaze lacking empathy or remorse


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File: 1694302343747-1.png (174.58 KB, 448x448, ClipboardImage.png)

this is what a 15% difference in strength of the AI's creativity meter looks like


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halfway btwn these two


File: 1695303588924.jpg (139.24 KB, 1280x720, expression.jpg)

gemmie gem gem
>'jakko's world

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