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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1694725976869.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 483.07 KB, 828x996, IMG_0256.jpeg)


I’m proud of drawing this


File: 1694726304677.png (15.56 KB, 500x442, Oekaki.png)


Looks like my mom


File: 1694727077871.jpg (Spoiler Image, 15.7 KB, 450x338, yo momma.jpg)

>>3903 ur mom looks more like this


she so sexy sex







Wow, it looks good!
Here: I'll put it in on the fridge for you, *put's it in the paper shredder*, that's what I call the "fridge"!

Oh don't be sad, it wasn't ever going to be on the actual fridge anyway, for that would require you have talent.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to retire into the garage, and learn about air horns while bullying a jewish bug with a laughing morbidly obese bald guy.




Good job on the skin rendering. Did you pick the colors yourself or use a pallete? Either way excellent use of it.

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