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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1700856796088-2.jpg (155.83 KB, 1500x1500, 713H-KAZ9pL.jpg)


A thread to discuss pencils, pens, brushes, erasers, paints and any other sorts of artistic implements you use as well as share recommendations and tips.
I would personally like to know how exactly Western brands compare to Chinese ones. I have recently bought one of those German pencils advertised to have a sturdy extruded wood-plastic composite casing and which has a pretty weighty feel to it, while my experience with Chinese brands varied very differently with some being meh while others like second pic being pretty good contenders for best value-price coefficent, but I am again not sure how well they compare with "big name" brands. Question: is there actually much difference in quality between all these brands, or it do not really matter much as long as you know what to look for?

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