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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1705495387720.jpg (1.18 MB, 2816x2667, Illustration16.jpg)


No idea if I`m doing this right but critics are welcome. Flame me bros.

Welcome, comrade.
I can't really recommend any improvements. It's well done. (I suck at drawing).

I guess the eyebrow on the other side of the face is a bit weird. It gives the impression that the head is more tilted than what the rest of the face seems to suggest.

Also the forehead is a bit featureless. Unlike other parts of plain skin, this doesn't have much depth.

The collar is misplaced, no? Otherwise, seems pretty good to me, but I only started to study drawing since this month.

I think the idea is the head is turned to the side so the face is in full profile and the torso is like 3/4 view.

Recommend studying anatomy a bit. The ear position is too high here, and the neck muscle looks like it connects to the throat instead of the collarbone. That's the most noticeable part to work on.

Shading on the neck looks too dark/big

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