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"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1710636159752.png (8.18 KB, 382x275, 1709129356119.png)


hi im new here


Are you from fbi?if so, go away!>>4260


File: 1710636724626.jpg (9.3 KB, 140x132, troll_excited.jpg)

me no want harm. im just a everyday man


I will ask one question, and i want a direct answer:

How much do you hate capitalism?


(Hint, it needs to be a lot)


File: 1710639390986.png (265.11 KB, 708x768, Troll_face (2).png)

its a jewish ideology


Uhumm…. I mean, i will consider that you hate capitalism so, uhum, this is awkward, but yea, good job, be welcome in your second family! Welcome to Leftypol!


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File: 1710640467174.jpeg (34.32 KB, 721x721, imgs_touch (4) (29).jpeg)

thanks for accepting a grumpy oldfag like me, ms.communistpony!


>EDIT: 15/06/16 - Comments are disabled from now on. Too many Neo-Communists commenting who can't accept that this is a PARODY, a JOKE, a LAUGH. They also probably have no idea how brutal and oppressive Communism was. I do have a rough idea as I had family in Lithuania during the Soviet Times. Join the real fucking world you Neo-Communist idiots.




F, i saw the description of the video, not saw it before, some people really hold some grudges against us. But that is the consequence of Red scare and all.


File: 1710641840196.png (24.51 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

I lost track of horse show after like season 6, why does everyone hate glimmy again??


because she was a ruler of a harrison bergeron tier cult in the designated anticommunism episode


File: 1710643193893.gif (641.49 KB, 250x202, ponie sleeping.gif)

Welp, hope you enjoy this place, is quite nice. good night guys


File: 1710679215536.gif (161.69 KB, 408x350, nodding mares2.gif)

welcome OP


capitalism is a mode of production not an ideology poltard


He doesn't like capitalism, i think that is enough


im a trollposter. why do you care about my beliefs?

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