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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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Anyone have artwork of the "Rodina" from the old /leftypol/ (the one on 8chan)? I ask because I'm currently looking for some artwork of the character that is beyond the image search results.




File: 1715893561991-0.png (800.62 KB, 1375x1892, Rodina Chibi 1.png)

File: 1715893561991-1.png (1.07 MB, 1912x2689, Rodina Chibi 2.png)

File: 1715893561991-3.png (72.26 KB, 453x364, Rodina PTE.png)


File: 1715893597529-3.png (149.95 KB, 890x932, Rodina Wink.png)

File: 1715893597529-4.png (1.83 MB, 3000x3000, Rodina With Emblem.png)



>someone replies with the most correct answer in the first post
I'm not used to seeing this. Thank you.


File: 1718149236739-0.png (5.02 KB, 231x306, Rodina MC preview.png)


I don't understand why Rodina wasn't given the famous Soviet school girl uniform instead of this generic shit.


File: 1718150220998-0.png (1.79 MB, 949x1390, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1718150220998-1.png (423.7 KB, 602x383, ClipboardImage.png)

It looks like the pics that came up when I googled it.


She's a little pioneer, which was like the boy scouts but communist. She's wearing their uniform.

Those are pioneer uniforms. The Soviet school girl uniform was like a maid dress.

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