Hey everyone, so I was told it would be for the best to make a new thread and that's what I'll do. I'll upload some updated artwork too and some other stuff that I'm sure you'll like
Old OP:
Sup everyone, for a while I've been working on this comic idea and I would like to share some stuff I've been cooking up for it.
The setting is in Mexico City and the protagonist is a working-class, Nahua girl, living in a working-class neighborhood. This comic will explore issues regarding gentrification, child labor, systemic violence, class struggle, and different kinds of discrimination. Think of it as a social commentary and slice-of-life comic.
Sadly, I'm drawing this on my free time in between work and my studies, so the process is slow, but I'll try to release the first chapter sooner than later.
Here are the character sheets of the three protagonists, I posted them in the previous thread but they are now all complete and updated. Also, a neat drawing I did some time ago as an extra.
Finally, I will try to do the comic both in English and Spanish.
Hi everyone, I wanted to share with you two WIP characters. The short one is a French girl called Victoria Monique, and the tall one is called Sophie. They are still in the WIP so there will most likely be some changes, but I hope you like them so far, they are some of my most popular characters
>>4697That's not an anarchist bag, I just tried to make a cool design with both black and red, but I guess it came out like an anarchist flag.
Also what do you mean she looks 20? It's the first time someone has told me that
>>4699>big stack of booksBased.
Is that all socialist theory or is she just a nerd?
>what do you mean she looks 20?That person watches too much anime.
>>4698>Glownonymous is retarded even about basic biologyEverybody grows at different rates. Some people reach their adult height at 13 or 14.
>>4700I actually wanted to ask you all if you wanted to give me authors to add to the stacks of books. I was going to add Marx, Gramsci, Lenin, but if you guys want to give me some I'll be happy to add them
But it is mostly Marxist theory yes
>>4699Actually I lied because I completely forgot. I just remember that the schoolbag was actually based on a flag, but not an anarchist, but rather a strike flag, so my bd, you were kind of right there.
>>4702Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Goldman, Berkman, Malatesta, Stirner, Rocker, Pouget, Reclus, and so on and so on.
>>4699And just for fun, I want to share with you one more, her name is Kristina Melnikova, and she is Russian. I won't be able to update you for a while, so I hope this is enough for you for now
The girls with the blue uniform are from a private school, and the ones with the green one are from a public school. Btw, I know I've shown you a lot more girls than boys, but this is definitely not a harem, nothing like that, I will show you other male characters, but later. I just wanted to clarify this so people don't misinterpret the themes and messages of the comic
One more thing, Sophie is a black American girl, I forgot to mention that.
Anyways, I'll be seeing you!
>>4705>I know I've shown you a lot more girls than boys, but this is definitely not a harem, nothing like thatIsn't the protagonist a girl? People tend to socialize more with the same gender. And there's plenty of media with predominantly male casts. We could use more stuff where most characters are female.
>Russian and American studentsInteresting potential. Are they like exchange students or are they permanent residents?
>>4706Yeah, I wanted to write a story that focused more on girls but since my artistic style draws a lot from anime and manga, I some people have assumed that this could be a harem
And they are permanent residents, they all arrived to Mexico for different reasons it's an important aspect of the overall story regarding migration, gentrification, and of course, class
>>4707I wouldn't worry too much about people making assumptions like that.
>it's an important aspect of the overall story regarding migration, gentrification, and of course, classSounds like a lot of potential!
Hello everyone, I suddenly found myself with some free time and I was able to draw this, I hope you enjoy it! This is actually a remake of a drawing from 4 years ago. Man, time sure flies
I had a lot of fun drawing her, I love all my OCs but conceptually she was the first one I ever designed, so she has a special place in my heart
>>4725Oh no, I am not nahua
>>4731Some of them, the easiest ones. I mean she's a very smart girl but like, she's still like a child, so she is dumb (in the least offensive way) and has a big ego. She's got much to learn.
But truthfully, the books and authors that are there are ones that I have read. The rest are important guerrilleros from Mexico
>>4732a big ego?
define that
Hello everyone, it's been quite a while, I'm sorry for disappearing. Life is hard, but I'm still trying to work on the comic, even if I'm doing it really slowly
But hey, I bring you something nice! Remember that blonde French girl with a beret full of communist pins? Well, I drew her again! This time with her mom. I guess she's my most popular character, so I'll be adding her in the second chapter of the comic, once I can finish the first on :(
I hope you like this artwork!
>>4901I do have a bluesky, but I barely use it since my drawing production is very slow so I don't post much, but I can try posting old art and such. I guess I can post some updates of the comic there and here if you guys want. Also thank you for your kind words!
>>4907The art looks very nice, OP!
Good job making the characters expressive with their body language. That really stands out as a strength.
Okay so here is some feed back:
1-There is no pro anarchist Kids like there is in american Twitter. No one would be spotted using an anarchist Flag even in Chiapas thats underage. You could change the ancom theme for stuff like rococco merch and syndicate symbols.
2- To the contrary of what pol May have had you believe, Mexican cities are actually pretty diverse, even in the lower end income. I work in a school stall and at least like 40% could pass as White.
Public schools are predominantly mestizos anyhwere you look unless you go to somewhere like Oaxaca or Chiapas. People with that tone of skin are like 2 or 3 in about every classroom. (t. Guayabense)
3- I know is for the sake of the story and drama but there is no racism in México due to skintone thats akin to, lets say, how East asians threat each other or india with castes or usa in the past. There is but it is more akin to Blacks between each other (as in dark tone Blacks on Whiter tone Blacks)
4- There is about as much dark toned "indios" in private schools as there are in public schools. There is "some" difference but there are as many privatoids as there is as many public schooloids with the tone of skin and background as the characteres you are portraying. The difference between private schools is that there are more White People as opposed to the ammount of mestizo predominante that there is in public schools.
5- heavily native People like mayans in Chiapas or in some parts of Oaxaca Choose to segregate themselves, not the other way around.
6- Do not look up the age of consent in México if you dont want to think less of mexicans, but yeah. Its also a meme that teachers in conalep fuck their students, akin to seamen in the military being homosexual.
7- There is a shit ton of underage traficking and some child brides, which the age of consent laws dont help much. Maybe you wanna consider making that a plot point.
8- There are very very few true communists in México. There are A SHIT TON, ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY, of East asía simps. Japan, south korea and china. The Last one are more politically involved than fanboys and Girls VS the weebs for south korea and Japan simps that just consume their pop media stuff.
Hope that helps.
>>4915I'll just say this, I am Mexican and lived in many places around the country, from Mexico City, to the border in the north, to the Southeast, so don't worry, I know very well the diversity of my country. Furthermore, My formation is both a historian and a pedagogue (this one at least becoming one) so I'm also pretty knowledgeable regarding the social aspects.
Also, I have only shown some characters, and the three protagonists are the ones on the OP. Just be patient until I'm done with the first chapters.
The age consent thing in Mexico that you mentioned is unnecessary and I don't know why you mention it, so I will just ignore it.
I appreciate the feedback, but some of it is kind of, very strange to be honest.
>>4918No, that's not the problem, I am going to touch several social issues that affect the youth of Mexico yes, but it's kind of weird that you decide to specifically mention this, when there are many others, from violence, drug use, broken families, a failed education system, etc.
I never said I was going to ignore it, but come on, you have to admit it's very weird that you put such a strong emphasis on it
>>4919Because the others are more well known as opposed to that and I thought you were a foreigner.
I could have also mentioned something like, for example, the use of very small kids as ambulant sellers, but that didn't seem as relevant to the setting you seem to be going for (school slice of life) as opposed to sexual inadequacy that's prominent in public schools, that even though both are lesser known problems in Mexico the one I mentioned was more relevant.
That or I'm Agent Kochinski typing with one hand as I try to self insert rape fetishes or whatever. Up to you.
>>4921I think we should use ai to make said content
With horses
In our tax forms
Unique IPs: 23